In service, they will go; Cardinal Tobin ordains transitional deacons (Video)
Pray for Deacons Matteo Matarazzo and Andrew Rubinich.
Pray for Deacons Matteo Matarazzo and Andrew Rubinich.
He became the first African American man ordained in the Archdiocese in more than 20 years.
Cientos de personas caminaron cuatro millas y rezaron el rosario por las calles de Newark detrás de la Estatua Peregrina de Nuestra Señora de Fátima el 13 de mayo — … Learn More
Men are invited to learn more at the Archdiocesan Center
También hoy día sigue habiendo hombres y mujeres que quieren responder a la llamada del Señor sirviendo a sus hermanos. Cada uno en su propia vocación. Algunos de una manera … Learn More
I made my first confession in a parking lot. It was the early ’80s, and that was how they arranged things — lined up in a parking lot across from … Learn More
Funds reduce costs, enhance eldercare for our retired sisters, priests, and brothers.
Students create live galleries and bottle buddies exhibits.
DETROIT — The moving story of Nicole Duque and Austin LeBlanc, a local pro-life couple and active members of St. Joseph Shrine in Detroit and St. Mary Parish in Wayne, … Learn More
They traveled diverse paths to the priesthood, but they all share the same calling.