From the Archives: Sisters of Charity in radio communication
Sr. Regina Cordis, S.C., became the first nun in the region and the sixth in the country to obtain an official ham radio operator license.
Sr. Regina Cordis, S.C., became the first nun in the region and the sixth in the country to obtain an official ham radio operator license.
More than 25,000 participants from over 70 Irish-American organizations in Northern New Jersey marched down Broad Street in the 1962 St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Newark.
In 1958, a statue of Mother Cabrini was erected in Mother Cabrini Park near Penn Station in Newark.
In 1959, the College of St. Elizabeth in Convent Station was awarded a National Science Foundation grant to support an undergraduate research program for isolating antibiotics for cancer chemotherapy.
Auxiliary Bishop Joseph A. Costello blesses the X-ray equipment in the new addition to the Alexian Brothers Hospital in Elizabeth, which was dedicated on February 27, 1966.
A crowd of approximately 4,000 gathered on the steps of the Essex County Courthouse in Newark for a peaceful fundraising rally on behalf of civil rights efforts in Mississippi.
Archbishop Thomas A. Boland poses with couples after the annual Cana Holy Hour Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart on May 4, 1958.
Archbishop Boland blesses a memorial cross dedicated to Rev. John P. Washington, erected by the people of St. Rose of Lima Parish, Newark, in October 1960. Father Washington was one … Learn More
Msgr. Joseph Chiang accepts gifts from a parishioner in traditional dress during a Mass for Chinese New Year on February 22, 1986. The Mass, celebrated at Holy Rosary Parish in … Learn More
The Black Coordinating Council of the Archdiocese of Newark presented the 1986 Dr. Martin Luther King Awards to the 10 Black bishops of the United States during a Mass honoring Dr. King.