Religious sisters, priests celebrate 2023 Jubilees
Cardinal Joseph Tobin, C.Ss.R., Archbishop of Newark, sends his prayerful congratulations to the priests and religious who are celebrating their Jubilees this year. Cardinal Tobin is celebrating his 45th year as a beloved priest.
85 Years
Sisters of Charity
Sister Emily Marie Walsh, SC
Sister Emily Marie Walsh (Sister John Evelyn) entered Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth on Sept. 8, 1938.

Sister received a BS in Education from the College of Saint Elizabeth (St. Elizabeth University) and a MA in Education from Seton Hall University.
Sister Walsh served in the Archdiocese of Newark in Education and Pastoral Ministry.
She was a teacher at St. Paul of the Cross in Jersey City and Our Lady of Sorrows in South Orange. She served as principal at St. Andrew in Westwood and Holy Trinity in Hackensack. Following her ministry as principal, Sister Walsh served in parish ministry for many years.
Sister Walsh was loved by all with whom she ministered. She embodied the charism of Charity. When sister moved to the Convent of Saint Elizabeth, Convent Station in 2015 she volunteered at Saint Anne Villa. She lives at Saint Joseph’s Health Center in Cedar Grove.
80 Years
Sisters of Saint Joseph of Peace
Sister Agnes Fox, CSJP
Sister Agnes Fox’s date of reception was Sept. 8, 1943. Sister attended Seton Hall University in West Orange and received a BS in Education and a MA in Administration. She received an MA in Pastoral Counselling from Iona College.

Sister Fox has an extensive background in education and communication. She has taught at several New Jersey institutions including Barbara Givernaud Orphanage, St. Joseph’s Home, St. Genevieve Elementary School, St. Ann’s Alternative High School. She served as principal at Holy Rosary School, St. Joseph’s School, St. Anthony School, and St. Rose of Lima. She was Supervisor of Schools for New Jersey and West Virginia for Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace and Director of Education at St. Joseph Village. She worked in the field of Communications at St. Joseph Magazine Office in Jersey City. Sister served as Vice Provincial at St. Joseph Province, an administrator at Kenmare Alternative High School, and a moderator at Sisters of St. Joseph Guild.
75 Years
Sisters of St. Dominic-Caldwell
Sister Margaret Lucille Peterson, OP
Sister Margaret Lucille Peterson entered the Sisters of Saint Dominic of Caldwell on Aug. 30, 1948. With a Bachelor of Arts degree from Caldwell University and a Master of Science in Administration from St. Bonaventure University, Sister Peterson Lucille has exemplified excellence in education and leadership.

Throughout her ministry, she shared her expertise and passion for teaching in various schools, including St. John the Apostle School in Clark and St. Thomas More School in Fairfield. She also served as principal at St. Mary School in Rahway; St. Antoninus School in Newark, where she was also a member of the parish ministry team; and Lacordaire Academy Lower School in Upper Montclair. Sister Peterson also ministered as a guidance counselor and teacher at St. Philomena School (Aquinas Academy) in Livingston and as a guidance counselor and pastoral associate at Our Lady of the Holy Angels in Little Falls.
Sister Peterson has also served the Sisters of Saint Dominic of Caldwell in her role as a community personnel directress and Councilor of Life and Mission on the community’s Leadership Team. In her final ministry before retirement, Sister Peterson was the resident manager at Lincoln Hill Village Senior Citizen Complex in West Milford.
Felician Sisters
Sister Mary Angelis Midura, CSSF

Sister Mary Angelis Midura entered the postulancy 75 years ago, on July 16, 1948, at Immaculate Conception Convent in Lodi.
For nearly 40 years, Sister Midura served in the ministry of education at the following schools: Our Lady of Czestochowa School, Jersey Cit; Holy Cross School, Trenton ; St. Adalbert School, Elizabeth; St. Hedwig School, Trenton; St. Casimir School, Newark; Our Lady of Mt. Carmel School, Bayonne; St. Stanislaus Kostka School, Sayreville; Sacred Heart School, South Amboy; St. Mary School, Closter; St. Ann School, Jersey City ; and St. John Kanty School, Clifton.
Currently, Sister Midura serves in the ministry of presence and prayer at Immaculate Conception Convent in Lodi.
Sisters of Charity
Sister Miriam Anne Evanoff, SC

Sister Miriam Ann Evanoff (Sister Jane Anna) entered Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth on March 25, 1948.
She received a BS in Education from the College of Saint Elizabeth.
Sister Evanoff taught at St. Cecilia in Kearny, Sacred Heart Elementary in Jersey City, St. Peter’s in Jersey City, and Resurrection School in Jersey City.
Her love for children and desire to uncover the best in each individual endeared her to all she met in her educational ministry. Sister Evanoff continued the ministry of volunteering upon her retirement. She currently resides at the Motherhouse of the Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth in Convent Station.
70 Years
Sisters of St. Dominic-Caldwell
Sister M. Adrienne Fallon, OP
Sister M. Adrienne Fallon, OP, began her journey with her entrance to the community on Aug. 15, 1953. Over the course of seven decades, she has touched the lives of many through her compassionate service and unwavering dedication.

Sister Fallon pursued her Bachelor of Arts degree at Caldwell University in Caldwell. Throughout her years of ministry, Sister Fallon served as a teacher in various schools, including St. Mary’s School in Rutherford; Christ the King School in Hillside; St. Raphael School in Livingston; St. Aedan School in Jersey City; Our Lady of Mount Carmel School in Boonton; St. Bridget School in North Bergen; St. Peter School in Parsippany; Holy Spirit School in Asbury Park; St. Denis School in Manasquan; St. Elizabeth Parish in Whiting as the CCD coordinator; and St. Elizabeth School in Linden. Her commitment to nurturing young minds and fostering a love for learning left a lasting impact on the students she taught.
Sister Fallon ‘s compassionate spirit and dedication to caring for others also led her to serve in patient care at Saint Catherine Healthcare Center in Caldwell. Her selfless service and comforting presence brought solace and healing to those under her care.
Sister Patricia McKearney, OP
Sister Patricia McKearney, formerly known as Sister Terrence, entered the Sisters of Saint Dominic of Caldwell on Aug. 15, 1953.

With a Bachelor of Arts degree from Caldwell University, a Master of Arts in History from the University of Dayton, and a Master of Education in Administration from Rivier College, in Nashua, N.H., Sister McKearney ‘s educational background laid the foundation for her impactful ministry. Throughout her years of service, Sister McKearney has held various positions in education and administration, leaving a profound and lasting legacy.
Sister Patricia’s ministry assignments have taken her to different schools and institutions across several states. She has served as a teacher at St. Mary School in Wharton; St. Catherine School in Mobile, Alabama; St. Joseph School in Union City; and Mount Saint Dominic Academy in Caldwell. Sister Patricia’s leadership skills were recognized when she became the principal of St. Margaret School in Bayou La Batre, Alabama, and later served as the principal of Sacred Heart School in Lyndhurst. She also assumed roles as a teacher, principal, and admissions director at St. Mary School and St. Mary High School in Lawrence, Mass. Sister McKearney also made a significant impact as a principal at Link Community School in Newark and as a teacher at St. Mary High School in Jersey City.
Within the Sisters of Saint Dominic community, Sister McKearney served as the Vicaress of the Sisters of Saint Dominic Leadership Team in Caldwell, contributing to the guidance and administration of the community. Additionally, Sister McKearney took on the role of religious education teacher at St. Aloysius Parish in Caldwell, nurturing the faith development of parishioners. Her commitment to preserving the history and heritage of the Sisters of Saint Dominic is evident through her role as an archivist.
Sister Rosalie Prew, OP

With a strong educational foundation from Caldwell University, Sister Prew embarked on a lifelong journey of service and teaching. Her passion for education led her to various schools where she shared her knowledge and nurtured the growth of her students. Sister Prew’s teaching assignments included St. Mary School in Rahway, St. Michael School in Union, St. Philomena School (Aquinas Academy) in Livingston, and St. Catharine School in Spring Lake.
Sister Rosalie Prew entered the Sisters of Saint Dominic of Caldwell on Aug. 15, 1953.
Alongside her teaching responsibilities, Sister Prew also served as a CCD coordinator, enriching the spiritual formation of young learners. Her unwavering dedication to education has left a lasting impact on countless lives.
Felician Sisters
Sister Mary DeLourdes Zdunowski, CSSF

Sister Mary DeLourdes Zdunowski entered the postulancy 70 years ago, on Aug. 15, 1953, at Immaculate Conception Convent in Lodi.
Sister Zdunowski served in the ministry of education for over 45 years at the following schools: Sacred Heart School, Irvington; St. Adalbert School, Elizabeth, as both teacher and principal; St. James School, Basking Ridge; Immaculate Conception School, Spotswood; St. Stanislaus School, Garfield, as principal; Our Lady of Mt. Carmel School, Bayonne; St. Casimir Academy, Newark, as principal; and at Christ the King Parish, Manville, as the Director of Religious Education.
Sister Zdunowski also served as an aide at Sacred Heart Parish, Clifton, and on the administrative team at Felician Retreat Center in Mt. Arlington. Currently, she serves as the Sacristan at Our Lady of Lourdes Convent in Lodi.
Sister Dolores Anne Mary Ungerer, CSSF

Sister Dolores Anne Mary Ungerer entered the postulancy 70 years ago, on Aug. 2, 1953, at Our Lady of the Angels Convent in Enfield, CT.
For over 50 years, Sister Ungerer served in the ministry of education at the following New York schools: Our Lady of Consolation School, Brooklyn; St. Adalbert School, New York; Immaculate Conception School, Kingston, as principal; St. Adalbert School, Bronx, as both teacher and principal; and as principal at St. Adalbert School on Staten Island.
Sister Ungerer also served as an assistant in the finance office at Immaculate Conception Convent in Lodi, where she now serves in the ministry of prayer and diminishment.
Sister Rose Marie Smiglewski, CSSF
On Aug. 15, 1953, Sister Rose Marie Smiglewski entered the postulancy at Immaculate Conception Convent in Lodi.

For over 60 years, Sister Smiglewski has served in the ministry of education at the following schools: St. Adalbert School, Elizabeth; St. Stephen School, Perth Amboy; Sacred Heart School, South Amboy; Our Lady of Mt. Carmel School, Bayonne; St. Casimir School, Newark; Sacred Heart School, Irvington; St. Casimir School, Irvington; and Mt. Carmel Guild, Newark.
Beginning in 1971, Sister has dedicated over 50 years to ministering at Felician School for Exceptional Children, serving in multiple roles including director from 2011 until 2018 and is currently the executive director of the 21-and-over school. She also served as a Provincial Councilor for 6 years at the Felician Sisters’ Immaculate Conception Province in Lodi.
Sisters of Charity
Sister Maria Christina Hartman, SC

Sister Maria Christina Hartman, SC (Sister Alice Margaret) entered the Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth on Sept. 6, 1953.
Sister Hartman received a BS in Education from the College of Saint Elizabeth.
Sister Hartman taught at St. Cecilia Elementary in Englewood, St. Aloysius in Jersey City, St. Peter’s in Jersey City, and St. Catharine in Glen Rock. Sister Hartman also taught at Blessed Sacrament Elementary and St. Andrew School both in Jamaica Plain, Mass. The children, whom she loved, were the love of her life.
Before retiring, Sister Hartman volunteered at St. Anne School, Readville, Mass. and Milton Health Nursing Home, Milton, Mass. She now resides at St. Joseph’s Health and Rehab Center in Cedar Grove.
Sisters of Saint Joseph of Peace
Sister Clare McNerney, CSJP
Sister Clare McNerney, CSJP, had her date of reception on Feb. 2, 1953. She earned a Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education and a Master’s degree in Education, both from Seton Hall University.

Sister McNerney has taught at several New Jersey schools, including St. Elizabeth’s in Wyckoff, Our Lady of Peace in Fords, St. James in Penns Grove, Immaculate Heart of Mary in Wayne, and St. Rose of Lima in Hanover. Outside of New Jersey, she taught at St. Genevieve’s elementary and high school in Van Nuys, Cali., St. Thomas Aquinas in Monterey Park, Cali., and St. Joseph the Worker in Weirton, W.V.
Sister McNerney served as principal at Immaculate Heart of Mary in Wayne and was a Candidate Director at St. Joseph Province in Englewood Cliffs. Additionally, she worked as an Administrator at St. Michael Villa in Englewood Cliffs, and Stella Maris Retreat Center in Elberon.
Upon retirement, sister volunteered for the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Peace Community.
Sisters of the Catholic Apostolate
Sister Aloysius Palmieri, CSAC
Sister Aloysius Palmieri’s date of entrance was Sept. 1, 1953.
She attended Fordham University in New York where she received an MS is Secondary Education.
Sister taught at Holy Rosary Academy in Union City.
Sisters of Saint Joseph of Philadelphia
Sister Kathleen P.Coll, SSJ
Sister Alice Yohe, SSJ
65 Years
Benedictine Sisters
Sister Marita Funke, OSB
Sister Marita Funke entered the Benedictine Sisters of Elizabeth on Sept. 8, 1958.

In addition to completing the formation program at St. Walburga Monastery, she earned a BS in General Science from Seton Hall University, a master’s in teaching science (MTS) in Biology from Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., and a master’s in religious studies from St. Charles Seminary, Philadelphia, Penna. She also holds a certificate in Spiritual Direction from Upper Room in Neptune.
After teaching sixth grade at Blessed Sacrament School in Elizabeth and St. Ambrose School, Cheverly, M.D., sister moved on to teach Biology, Physical Science, and Religion on the secondary level at St. Anthony High School, Washington, D.C., Paterson Catholic High School in Paterson, and Benedictine Academy in Elizabeth.
For over 20 years, Sister Funke served as director of the Benedictine Spirituality Center at St. Walburga Monastery and continues to offer retreats and spiritual direction at the Monastery in Elizabeth and at St. Joseph’s Parish in New Paltz, N.Y. where she now resides.
Sisters of St. Dominic-Caldwell
Sister Kathleen Boyle, OP
Sister Kathleen Boyle, formerly known as Sister Marie Patrick, entered the Sisters of Saint Dominic of Caldwell on Sept. 8, 1958.

Sister Boyle received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Caldwell University in Caldwell. She furthered her educational journey by obtaining a Master of Arts in Elementary Reading from New Jersey City University in Jersey City.
Throughout her years of ministry, Sister Boyle engaged in various assignments, sharing her passion for education and nurturing young minds. She served as a teacher at St. Cassian School in Upper Montclair; St. Thomas More School in Fairfield; St. Elizabeth School in Linden; Sacred Heart School in Lyndhurst; St. Francis de Sales School in Marsh Harbour, Abaco, Bahamas; St. Margaret School in Bayou La Batre, Alabama; Mount Saint Dominic Academy Grade School and St. Aloysius School, both in Caldwell; and Lacordaire Academy in Upper Montclair.
Within the Sisters of Saint Dominic community, Sister Boyle has contributed her skills and dedication to various roles. She served as a transportation assistant, administrative assistant, coordinator, and bursar at St. Catherine’s Convent and Healthcare Center in Caldwell. Through her tireless efforts, Sister Boyle has always exemplified the values of service and responsibility.
Sister Miriam Cannavale, OP
Sister Miriam Cannavale, formerly known as Sister Stephen Louise, entered the community on Sept. 8, 1958, and her unwavering commitment to education, spiritual care, and compassionate support serves as an inspiration to all who have been touched by her kindness and dedication.

Sister Cannavale earned her Bachelor of Arts degree at Caldwell University and then furthered her education by obtaining a Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry from Seton Hall University in South Orange. Sister Miriam also completed the CPE program at Clara Maass Hospital in Belleville.
Sister Cannavale served as a teacher in various schools, including St. Elizabeth School in Linden; St. Venantius School in Orange; Our Lady of the Lake School in Verona; St. Philip the Apostle School in Clifton; Christ the King School in Hillside; Our Lady of Sorrows School in Garfield; Ascension School in New Milford; Mount Saint Dominic Academy Grade School in Caldwell; and St. Aloysius School in Caldwell. Sister Cannavale’s passion for education also extended to her role as a teacher, library director, development assistant, and alumnae assistant director at Mount Saint Dominic Academy in Caldwell, where she made a lasting impact on the students she mentored.
In addition to her dedication to education, Sister Cannavale provided spiritual and bereavement support as a chaplain in hospice care. She served at Garden State Hospice in Fairfield, Hospice of New Jersey in Bloomfield, Comfort Care Hospice in Pompton Plains, and Care Alternatives Hospice in Cranford. With the State of New Jersey, Sister Miriam was the director of the NJHPC Ethics Committee and an ombudsman with the New Jersey Volunteer Advocate Program. Sister Miriam’s compassionate presence brought solace and comfort to individuals and families during challenging times.
Sister Donna Marie O’Brien, OP
Sister Donna Marie O’Brien, formerly known as Sister Joseph Dorothy, answered the call to religious life on Sept. 8, 1958. Her profound dedication to service and Catholic school education has touched the lives of many.

Sister O’Brien earned her Bachelor of Arts degree from Caldwell University in Caldwell. She pursued further studies, obtaining a Master of Arts in Sacred Science from St. Bonaventure University in St. Bonaventure, New York.
Sister O’Brien ‘s passion for education led her to various teaching and leadership roles. She served as a teacher at St. Philip School in Clifton, Our Lady of Sorrows in Garfield, and Sacred Heart School in Dover. Her leadership skills were evident as she assumed the role of teacher and Religion Department chair at Mount Saint Dominic Academy in Caldwell. Additionally, Sister O’Brien’s impactful contributions as a principal spanned 34 years at St. John the Apostle School in Clark. Currently, she serves as Sister Advisor for the Caldwell Dominicans’ Associate Program, walking with lay women and men who enter a relationship with the community by living the Dominican charism.
Sister Mary Agnes Sullivan, OP
Sister Mary Agnes Sullivan, formerly known as Sister Anne Leonard, began her religious journey on Sept. 8, 1958. Her decades of dedicated service and leadership have left an indelible mark on the community.

Sister Sullivan pursued her undergraduate studies at Caldwell University, where she earned her Bachelor of Arts degree. She continued her academic pursuits, obtaining a Master of Arts in Sociology from Boston College in Boston, Massachusetts.
Sister Sullivan dedicated herself to the field of Catholic school education. She served as a teacher at St. Aloysius School and Mount Saint Dominic Academy Grade School, both in Caldwell. Her passion for education extended to her role as a principal at St. Philomena School in Livingston and her work at Project Link in Newark, where she served as a teacher and education coordinator. Sister Sullivan ‘s commitment to education and leadership continued as she assumed the role of principal at St. Dominic Academy in Jersey City and then Director of Religious Education at St. Gabriel in Saddle River. For 25 years, Sister Sullivan served as the principal of Our Lady of the Lake School in Verona, where her visionary leadership and compassionate guidance enriched the lives of both students and faculty. Her exceptional leadership skills and commitment to academic excellence were evident in the vibrant and nurturing learning environment she cultivated. Currently, Sister Sullivan plays an active role on the Sisters of Saint Dominic’s Commission on Global Issues, dedicating herself to social justice and promoting a global perspective within the community.
Religious Teachers Filippini
Sister Marie Gagliano, MPF
Sister Marie Gagliano, a native of Perth Amboy, began her Novitiate with the Religious Teachers Filippini on Aug. 31, 1958. She made her Perpetual Oblation on Aug. 27, 1961.

She earned a BS in Elementary Education from Marywood College in Scranton, Penna. and an MA in Educational Administration/Supervision from Rider College in Lawrenceville.
Sister Gagliano served as a teacher at St. Anthony School in Belleville, Holy Spirit School in Pequannock, and St. Peter School in Merchantville. She also served as a teacher and principal at St. Bartholomew in Scotch Plains, Our Lady of Libera in West New York, St. Anthony in Dunmore, Penna., and Holy Family in Nutley. As principal, she ministered at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel School in Orange and Our Lady Queen of Peace School in Maywood.
In various local convents of the Religious Teachers Filippini, Sister Gagliano was entrusted with the role of Superior.
For more than 20 years, Sister Gagliano served as an Assistant Supervisor of Schools in the Archdiocese of Newark.
Sisters of Charity
Sister Catherine Drury, SC
Sister Catherine Drury (Sister Jean Anne) entered Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth on Aug. 20, 1958.

She received a BA in Mathematics from the College of Saint Elizabeth, a MA in Mathematics from Boston College, and a MA in Computer Science from NJ Institute of Technology.
Sister Drury taught at St. Mary School in Plainfield, St. Patrick High School in Elizabeth, Mother Seton Regional High School in Clark, St. Peter College in Jersey City, and Felician College in Lodi.
In addition to teaching, Sister Drury served in a variety of technology related positions at St. Mary’s Hospital, Passaic; AT&T, Florham Park; and St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Center, Paterson. Sister Drury’s proficiency with information technology benefited each of the places where she ministered and beyond. As the scope of technology continued to change, Sister Drury enabled many to increase their facility with these rapid changes. The sharing of her technology skill has been beneficial to many.
Sister Regis Keane, SC
Sister Regis Keane (Sister John Regis) entered Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth on Aug. 20, 1958.

She received a BS in Elementary Education from College of Saint Elizabeth, a Registered Nursing Degree at Elizabeth General Hospital School of Nursing, and a Practical Nursing Degree from St. Barnabas Hospital.
Sister Keane taught at Our Lady of Lourdes, West Orange and Our Lady of the Visitation, Paramus. She ministered at St. Mary’s Orphanage in Newark before beginning her nursing career.
Sister Keane left fine memories when she moved on to a nursing career. Many former residents of Saint Mary’s have remained in contact with Sister Keane over the years. She brought all her caring ways into her nursing profession. As a registered nurse in the Labor and Delivery Department at St. Barnabas Medical Center, Livingston, Sister Keane assisted in bringing many babies into the world. Until her retirement, she ministered in additional roles at Saint Barnabas.
Sister Lorena Reilly, SC
Sister Lorena Reilly (Sister Robert Marita) entered Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth on Aug. 20, 1958.

She received a BS in Business Administration from the College of Saint Elizabeth and an MBA in Business Administration from the University of Notre Dame.
Sister Reilly taught at De Paul Catholic High School in Wayne. She worked at the College of Saint Elizabeth as a secretary, assistant treasurer, and treasurer before she became the general treasurer for the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity.
She later accepted the position of Chief Financial Officer of the Congregation until her retirement in 2015 and continued to volunteer in the Sisters of Charity finance office until 2019. Sister Reilly now resides at St. Joseph’s Health and Rehab in Cedar Grove.
Sister Reilly has always been known for caring despite the cost. She is a kind and faithful steward of the resources of the Sisters of Charity. No sister in need would ever be turned down when a request was made through sister – and she never betrayed a confidence. True to the principal purpose for which God has called and assembled the Sisters of Charity, Sister Reilly responsibly cared for “those who through shame would conceal their necessities.
Sister Marion Scranton, SC
Sister Marion Scranton (Sister Maureen Raymond) entered Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth on Aug. 20, 1958.

She received a BS from the College of Saint Elizabeth, an MA from Montclair State College and an MA in Administration and Supervision at Seton Hall University.
Sister Scranton taught at Corpus Christi, Hasbrouck Heights; St. Patrick, Newark; Immaculate Conception, Montclair; Saint Vincent Academy, Newark; and Marylawn of the Oranges, S. Orange.
She was the pastoral associate at St. Mary’s Parish in Elizabeth, the Bilingual Coordinator, Patient Advocate and VP of Mission Services at St. Mary’s Hospital in Passaic, the Director of Community Initiatives at Trinitas Hospital in Elizabeth, and the Hospice Chaplain at Barnabas Health.
Presently, Sister Scranton is the Chaplain at Brother Bonaventure Extended Care and Rehab Center (in conjunction with Trinitas Regional Medical Center/RWJ Barnabas Health) in Elizabeth.
Sister Scranton is fluent in Spanish and has used her gifts and language skills in every place she has ministered. Her ability with Spanish enabled her to meet short-term international needs which included places such as Bolivia, Mexico, El Salvador, Haiti, and many summers on Migrant Labor Camps here in the U.S. She is often a voice for the voiceless and a strong advocate for migrants and newly arrived refugees to our country.
Sisters of Saint Joseph of Philadelphia
Sister Elaine McAteer, SSJ
60 Years
Benedictine Monks
Reverend Albert Holtz, OSB

Father Albert Holtz professed vows as a Benedictine Monk on July 11, 1963.
He pursued his education at St. Benedict’s College in Atchison, Kansas, and later attended St. Mary’s School of Theology in Morristown, N.J. Father Holtz also earned an M.A. in Philosophy and Education from Columbia Teachers College in New York.
Father Holtz has dedicated himself to teaching at St. Benedict’s Prep for over five decades. Also, he has been Director of Formation and Novice Master at Newark Abbey since 1973.
Salesians of Don Bosco
Reverend Thomas Ruekert, SDB

Father Thomas Ruekert, a member of the Salesian formation staff at Orange since 2019, is a double jubilarian this year: 60 years a professed Salesian and 50 years a priest. He was born in Waukesha, Wisc., in 1943.
He made his first religious profession on Aug. 16, 1963, in Newton, N.J., and was ordained on March 24, 1973, in Columbus, Ohio, after studies at the Pontifical College Josephinum in Worthington, Ohio.
He was director of the community at Orange from 2004 to 2007. Father Ruekert has also served at Salesian schools and parishes in Florida, Louisiana, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York as well as at the Marian Shrine in Haverstraw, N.Y.
Reverend Javier Aracil, SDB
On Feb. 11, 1963, Father Javier Aracil completed his ordination in Turin, Italy, following his studies at the Salesian Pontifical Atheneum. He was born in Alcoy, Spain in 1934 and took his initial vows as a Salesian in Spain in 1952.

From 1996-1997, 2007-2011, and 2013-2014, he served as a parochial vicar at St. Anthony of Padua Parish in Elizabeth, with a special focus on Hispanic parishioners. In addition, he was assigned to the Salesian House of Formation in Orange from 2014-2018. Before being ordained, he taught at Don Bosco Prep in Ramsey from 1955-1958 as a young Salesian.
Father Aracil exercised his priestly ministry also in Salesian parishes in New York, Miami, and in Salesian schools in New York and Boston. He was province secretary and a provincial councilor for six years. He now lives now in the Salesian assisted living home at the Marian Shrine in Haverstraw, N.Y.
Sisters of St. Dominic-Caldwell
Sister Elsie Bernauer, OP
Sister Elsie Bernauer, formerly known as Sister Xavier Mary, OP, embarked on her journey within the community of Sisters of Saint Dominic of Caldwell on Sept. 8, 1963, marking the beginning of a lifetime dedicated to serving her faith and community.

Sister Bernauer obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree from Caldwell University in Caldwell, New Jersey, followed by a Master of Arts in Religious Education from St. Michael’s College in Colchester, V.T., and a master’s degree in culture and spirituality from Holy Names University in Oakland, Cali. Sister Elsie also completed the CPE program at Methodist Hospital in Brooklyn, N.Y. She is a certified chaplain by the National Association of Catholic Chaplains under the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, a Reiki Master certified by the Upper Room Spiritual Center in Neptune, New Jersey, and a licensed massage therapist recognized by the New Jersey Office of the Attorney General.
Sister Bernauer has worked as a teacher in schools such as St. John the Apostle School in Clark, St. Theresa School in Kenilworth, Project Link in Newark, and St. Ann School in Newark. She has also shared her knowledge and faith as a teacher and pastoral associate at St. Francis de Sales in Marsh Harbour, Abaco, Bahamas. Sister Elsie’s dedication to education extended to administrative roles as well, including her service as an administrative team member at Link Community School in Newark and as a teacher at Mount Saint Dominic Academy in Caldwell.
With her compassionate spirit and healing abilities, Sister Bernauer ventured into healthcare ministry. She served as a healthcare intern at Calvary Hospital in Bronx, New York, and later became a chaplain at Passaic General Hospital. After serving as superior at St. Catherine of Siena Convent in Caldwell, Sister Bernauer embraced her gift for pastoral massage as a practitioner at the Care Through Touch Institute in San Francisco, Cali. Her dedication to holistic care continued as she became the director of pastoral care at Broadway House for Continuing Care in Newark. Sister Bernauer’s profound impact on the lives of those she has touched has earned her recognition, including the Humanism in Healthcare Award presented by the Healthcare Foundation of New Jersey.
Within the Sisters of Saint Dominic community, Sister Elsie has served as vicaress, councilor, and novice director, playing vital roles in nurturing and guiding fellow sisters in their spiritual journeys.
Sister Eileen Ivory, OP
Sister Eileen Ivory, formerly known as Sister Ellen Mary, entered the community of the Sisters of Saint Dominic of Caldwell on Sept. 8, 1963.

She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Caldwell University and then a Master of Arts in Religious Studies from Villanova University in Pennsylvania. Sister Ivory also completed the CPE program at Methodist Hospital in Brooklyn, N.Y.
Sister Ivory’s teaching assignments included St. John the Baptist School in Jersey City and St. John the Apostle School in Clark, where she was also a religious education coordinator. Sister Ivory then took on the role of principal at St. Joseph School in Union City and chairperson, teacher, and campus minister at St. Dominic Academy in Jersey City. She also taught at St. Francis de Sales School in Marsh Harbour, Abaco, Bahamas before joining the faculty at Mount Saint Dominic Academy in Caldwell as a department chairperson and teacher.
Additionally, Sister Ivory has taken on significant positions within the Sisters of Saint Dominic community. She has served as the Dominican Center program coordinator, preaching promoter, Dominican Federation representative, director of scholastics, director of novices, and councilor on the leadership team. She also worked as a pastoral associate at St. Aloysius Parish in Jackson and currently serves as a pastoral associate at St. Luke Parish in Ho-Ho-Kus, where she continues to inspire and support the spiritual well-being of the community.
Felician Sisters
Sister Mary Bridget Becke, CSSF

Sister Mary Bridget Becke entered the postulancy on June 27, 1963, at Immaculate Conception Convent in Lodi.
For more than 25 years, Sister Becke served in the ministry of education at the following schools: St. Francis de Sales School, Lodi; St. John Kanty School, Clifton; Sacred Heart School, South Amboy; St. Stephen School, Perth Amboy; St. Michael School, Lyndhurst, as principal; St. Bridget School, Glassboro; and Felician College Child Care Center, Lodi.
Sister has also served in provincial administration for over 30 years, as Assistant to the Provincial Treasurer and Provincial Treasurer for the Immaculate Conception Province. Since 2010, she has served as Provincial Treasurer Liaison at Immaculate Conception Convent in Lodi, for Our Lady of Hope Province.
Sister Mary Virginia Tomasiak, CSSF

Sixty years ago, on June 27, 1963, Sister Mary Virginia Tomasiak entered the postulancy at Immaculate Conception Convent in Lodi.
Sister served in the ministry of education for 30 years, at St. Stephen School, Perth Amboy; St. John Kanty School, Clifton; Our Lady of Czestochowa School, Jersey City; Most Sacred Heart of Jesus School, Wallington; St. Francis de Sales School, Lodi; and Immaculate Conception High School, Lodi, both as teacher and principal.
Sister has also served in provincial administration for over 25 years, as Assistant to the Provincial Treasurer; Provincial Secretary, and Assistant to the Archivist for the Immaculate Conception Province. Since 2009, she has served in music ministry and as Local Communicator at Immaculate Conception Convent in Lodi.
Sister Cynthia Marie Babyak, CSSF

Sister Cynthia Marie Babyak entered the postulancy 60 years ago, on July 2, 1963, at Immaculate Conception Convent in Lodi.
For more than 55 years, Sister served in the ministry of education at St. Mary School, Williamstown; St. Stanislaus Kostka School, Sayreville; St. Michael School, Linden; St. Thomas Aquinas High School, Edison, as teacher and campus minister; Immaculate Conception High School, Lodi, as principal; and Felician College, Lodi, as campus minister.
Now retired, she continues her ministry of education by serving as a volunteer at St. Thomas Aquinas High School in Edison.
Sister Mary Rebecca Piatek, CSSF

Sister Mary Rebecca Piatek entered the postulancy 60 years ago, on June 27, 1963, at Immaculate Conception Convent in Lodi.
For 50 years, Ssiter served in the ministry of education at St. Joseph School, Camden; St. John Kanty School; Passaic Catholic Regional School, Passaic; Immaculate Conception School, Spotswood; St. Stephen School, Perth Amboy, as principal; and Perth Amboy Catholic School, Perth Amboy, as principal.
Currently, she serves as Pastoral Assistant and Aide to the Principal at St. Helena Parish School in Edison.
Sisters of Charity
Sister Frances Demarest, SC
Sister Frances Demarest (Sister Raymond Ann) entered the Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth Sept. 6, 1963.

She received a BS in Elementary Education from the College of Saint Elizabeth and a MSW in Social Work from Rutgers University.
Sister Demarest taught at St. Brendan’s in Clifton and St. Joseph Elementary and High School in Paterson. Sister Demarest has a long history with St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Center in Paterson, including positions in Ambulatory Services, Comprehensive Care Center, and her present position as Administrative Director of Community Medicine.
Sister Demarest has spent many decades in service to the poor and those who are significantly underserved. Her initiatives have engaged philanthropy to support the needs of at-risk children and adults. She has combined organizational skills with compassionate care at Saint Joseph’s and countless people have benefited.
Sister Johanna Quinto, SC
Sister Johanna Quinto (Sister John Evelyn) entered the Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth Sept. 6, 1963.

She received a BA in Elementary Education from the College of Saint Elizabeth and a
MA from Jersey City State College.
Sister Quinto taught at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in Tenafly. In 1974 she began her long history at St. Augustine School in Union City teaching various grades. Sister was loved and endeared by both her students and parents. She brought life and a deep passion to bringing the best out of all the children she taught. In response to the great need to grow the school, Sister Quinto moved her position to the Director of the Development Office. She remained in that position until the school closed in 2020. Presently Sister Johanna is the Co-Director of the Religious Education Program at Saint Augustine’s Parish, in Union City.
Sister Quinto a is known and loved by all for her energy and passion to live a life of boundless Charity.
Sisters of Saint Joseph of Peace
Sister Lucy Clarke, CSJP
Sister Lucy Clarke’s date of reception was July 2, 1963. She attended Englewood Cliffs College, Caldwell College, and Seton Hall University and received a BA in Music Education.

Sister Clarke taught at several schools in New Jersey, including Annunciation School, St. Luke’s School, St. Anastasia School, and Kenmare High School. Additionally, she has worked as an academic tutor at the Center for Human Development during the summer program and taught summer school classes such as reading, language arts, and piano at the Mother Evangelista School and St. Joseph Home for Dependent Children. In the past, Sister was housemother for intermediate boys at St. Joseph Home for Dependent Children and volunteered at St. Ann’s Home for the Aged. Sister is currently the music minister at St. Anastasia’s Parish in Teaneck and Eastern Region, Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace.
Sister Norah Clarke, CSJP

Sister Norah Clarke’s date of reception was July 2, 1963. She received an AA in Liberal Arts from Archangel Jr. College, a BA in Liberal Arts from Caldwell College, and a MA in Audiology – Special Education from Syracuse University, and a MA Social Work, Gerontology from Seton Hall University.
In New Jersey, Sister Norah Clarke taught at St. Ann’s School and St. Joseph’s. Additionally, she worked as an audiologist at Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. and at the Medical Center in Princeton. Sister also worked as a social worker at Jersey City Housing in Jersey City and as an administrator at St. Michael Villa in Englewood Cliffs, and McCarrick Care Center in Somerset. She was the executive director at St. Ann’s Home for the Aged in Jersey City. She currently volunteers for CSJP Community.
Sister Luisa Raven, CSJP
Sister Raven’s date of reception was July 2, 1963. She received a BA in History from Caldwell College, a BSN in Nursing at St. Louis University, and a MS in Nursing at Columbia University.

Sister Raven has an extensive background in the nursing field, having taught at St. Luke’s in HoHoKus, worked as a nurse at Holy Name Hospital in Teaneck, and served as a Clinical Specialist in Psychiatric Nursing at Greystone Park Psychiatric Hospital. Additionally, she has experience in psychotherapy with a private practice in Teaneck, and the Shalom Center in Englewood Cliffs. Sister also worked as an Instructor of Nursing Education/Health Services at Felician College. She was a group therapist at Holy Name Hospital CARE, and an RN Consultant for Health Services and State Board Examinations in Franklin Lakes. Her nursing experience also includes working as a nurse in the Psychiatric Unit of St. Mary’s Hospital in Passaic and teaching nursing assistants. Sister has since retired.
Sister Susan Whitsell, CSJP

Sister Susan Whitsell’s date of reception was July 2, 1963. She received a BA in Mathematics from Caldwell College and an MS in Elementary Administration from the University of Dayton.
Sister Whitsell had a varied career in education and technology. Sister has taught at several schools in New Jersey, including St. James in Penns Grove, Annunciation in Paramus, St. Joseph the Worker in Weirton, St. Joseph’s in East Orange, and Kenmare High School in Jersey City. She also served as a principal at Immaculate Heart of Mary in Wayne and as a financial director and bookkeeper at Kenmare High School in Jersey City. Additionally, sister taught computers at Paterson Adult School and worked as a network administrator at York Street Project in Jersey City, and as a media specialist at St. Joseph’s School for the Blind, also in Jersey City. Sister is currently a computer consultant.
Sisters of the Catholic Apostolate
Sister Patricia Gatti, CSAC
Sister Patricia Gatti’s date of reception was Sept. 1, 1963.
Sister attended Fordham University in New York and received a BS in Education. Sister Gatti taught at Sacred Heart School in Kearny, Holy Rosary Academy in Union City, and Mother Seton School in Union City.
Sister Alice Marie D’Onofrio, CSAC
Sister Alice Marie D’Onofrio’s date of reception was Sept. 1, 1963.
She attended Fordham University in New York and Seton Hall University. Sister received a BS in Education an EDS and EDD in Education. Sister D’Onofrio taught at Sacred Heart School in Kearny, Holy Rosary High School in Union City, and Our Lady of Grace in Fairview.
Sister Theresa Martin, CSAC
55 Years
Carmelite Order
Reverend Nelson Belizario, O. Carm.
Father Nelson Belizario was ordained on May 25, 1968, in Joliet, Ill after attending seminary at Whitefriars Hall, Washington, D.C.

He received a MA of English at the University of Illinois, a MA of Urban Studies at Loyola University in Chicago, and a PH. D from the Chicago Theological Seminary.
In Chicago, Father Belizario was assigned to Mother McAuley High School, St Clara-St Cyril, Graduate studies residence at St Thomas the Apostle, Campus Ministry Northwestern University, and Kolbe House Jail Ministry. He also served at Campus Ministry Bellarmine College (now University) in Louisville K.T., Campus Ministry Diocese of Toledo, and pastor St. Simon Stock in the Bronx N.Y.
He is in retirement at St. Cecilia Englewood N.J.
50 Years
Benedictine Monks
Reverend Luke A. Edelen, OSB
Father Luke A. Edelen entered the Community of the Benedictine Abbey in Newark in September 1972 after studies at Fordham University in Bronx, N.Y., where he majored in classical languages. It was the same year the announcement was made that St. Benedict’s Prep School, the Abbey’s educational apostolate, founded in 1868, was suspending operations. As a novice, he took part in the months-long community discussion, which led to the decision to open a school. He made his first profession on Sept. 29, 1978, before the newly elected Abbot Melvin J. Valvano, O.S.B.

After teaching English, Latin, and Religion for some years and solemn profession on Oct. 2, 1976, Father Luke was sent to Saint Vincent Archabbey in Latrobe, Penna, where he enrolled in the Seminary, earning MA and M.Div. degrees in 1979.
He was ordained priest on June 7, 1980, by auxiliary Bishop Joseph A. Francis, S.V.D. in the Abbey Church. In June 1982, he was appointed pastor of Saint Mary’s Church, the Abbey’s historic pastoral commitment, by Archbishop Peter L. Gerety at the nomination of Abbot Melvin, serving in that role until 1995. During this time, Father Luke worked closely with Bishop Francis and the Black Catholic Co-ordinating Team of the Archdiocese in conjunction with the revival of the national Black Catholic Congress movement, an evangelization effort led by the U.S. African-American bishops.
Following his term as pastor, he resumed teaching in St. Benedict’s Prep and assisting in parishes on Sundays in the archdiocese. During this time, Father Luke received an appointment to the Ecumenical Commission of the archdiocese, and in 2002 was named chair of the commission, which he serves at present.
At the request of Bishop Yousif Habash, with the approval of his abbot, Father Luke has served as chancellor with the Syriac Catholic Diocese of Our Lady of Deliverance from September 2012 until present.
Order of Augustinian Recollects
Reverend John Docherty, OAR

At 12 years old, Father John Docherty, O.A.R., from Scotland enrolled in Junior Seminary in southwest England. He then proceeded to join Major Seminary in the northern part of Spain for a duration of eight years. In 1969, he became an Augustinian Recollect after professing his vows.
Father Docherty was ordained on July 28, 1973, in his hometown of Dumbarton, Scotland. He was first assigned in London and later in Devon, located in the Southwest of England. He then worked in a mission situated in the Amazon rainforest of Brazil. Following his tenure of 18 years as a pastor in London, he was designated to serve at Holy Family R.C. Church in Union.
Benedictine Sisters
Sister Marlene Milasus, OSB

Sister Marlene Milasus joined the Benedictine Sisters of Saint Walburga Monastery on Sep. 1, 1970. She took her vows on Aug. 26, 1973, officially becoming a full member.
Sister Milasus earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Philosophy from the College of Saint Elizabeth (now St. Elizabeth University), and she also holds a Master’s degree in Liturgical Music from Catholic University of America.
She has taught at Bender Academy and St Genevieve School, both in Elizabeth. Sister was the Director of Religious Education at St. Genevieve Parish in Elizabeth. As a member of the Benedictine Sisters of Elizabeth, she has served various roles such as vocation director, community treasurer, Director of Benedictine Spirituality Center, and monastery liturgist.
Daughters of Mary Mother of Mercy
Sister Genevieve Okoro, DMMM
Sister Mary Genevieve Okoro entered the Daughters of Mary Mother of Mercy on May 6, 1973.

After attending the Mercy Novitiate House in Mbawsi, Abia State, Nigeria, Sister obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree in French Language and Psychology. She furthered her education by completing a Higher Diploma in Education from the University College Cork in Ireland and a Diploma in Spirituality from ANGELICUM in Rome. Sister Okoro’s academic achievements include a master’s degree in Mental Health Counseling Psychology which she earned from the University of Saint Elizabeth in Morristown, N.J.
She has held various leadership positions such as Executive Secretary at Nigeria Conference of Women Religious (NCWR), General Councilor at Daughters of Mary Mother of Mercy (DMMM), Administrative Secretary at Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa & Madagascar (SECAM), and National Coordinator at Kolping Society of Nigeria.
Sisters of Saint Joseph of Philadelphia
Sister Sandra DeMasi, SSJ
40 Years
Salesians of Don Bosco
Reverend John Nazzaro, SDB
Father John Nazzaro was ordained on May 21, 1983, in Columbus, Ohio, following theological studies at the Pontifical College Josephinum in Worthington, Ohio.

Father Nazzaro, born in 1954 in Winthrop, Massachusetts, was raised in East Boston. He joined the Salesians at Don Bosco Seminary in Newton, New Jersey, in 1972 and made his vows in 1974.
Throughout his career, he has been an educator in Salesian schools across several states including New York, Louisiana, and Florida. In addition, he held leadership roles as the director of the Salesian community in East Boston, Mass., and served as the executive director of the Salesian Boys and Girls Club from 2007 to 2018.
Father Nazzaro has been the director of the Salesian community at Orange since 2019, which includes the Salesians’ house of formation for candidates and recently professed members, and the parish of Our Lady of the Valley. Father Nazzaro served as the coordinator of youth ministry and dean of students at the formation house from 2004 to 2007.
Franciscan Friars of the Renewal

Reverend Raphaël-Jacques Chilou, CFR
Father Raphaël-Jacques Chilou was ordained on Jan. 30, 1983.
He attended regional seminar in Toulouse, France, and received a Bachelor of Theology from the Catholic Institute of Toulouse in 1982.
He is a Novitiate Confessor at the most Most Sacrament Friary in Newark.
30 Years
Claretian Missionaries
Reverend James Raphel, CMF
Father James Raphel was ordained a priest on April 17, 1993.

At 15 years old, Father Raphel, born in the Southern State of India, Kerala, joined the Claretian congregation, a religious order founded by St. Anthony Mary Claret of Spain After 13 years of formation he was ordained in 1993.
Father Raphel holds a masters’ degree in Psychiatric Social Work.
As a missionary priest, one of his unique experiences was that he lived and served among leprosy patients in Bangalore, India at the Sumanahalli Leprosy Society for six years.
In 2000, he arrived in Montreal, Canada to serve in the Archdioceses of Toronto and Ottawa. Father Raphel served in parishes in Canada, Toronto, at St. Thomas More. In Ottawa he served at Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Holy Cross Church, Holy Redeemer Church, and St. Basil church.
In 2019, he was appointed as pastor of St. Joseph Church in Jersey City.
25 Years
Salesians of Don Bosco
Reverend Abraham Feliciano, SDB

Father Abraham Feliciano, a native of Paterson, N.J., was born in 1974, graduated from Don Bosco Tech in Paterson, and entered the Salesians in 1996. He made his first profession of vows on Aug. 15, 1998, at Bellflower, Calif.
After completing his studies in theology at the Instituto Teologico Salesiano in Tlaquepaque, Mexico, he was ordained in 2006. His teaching experience includes working at Salesian schools in Louisiana, Maryland, and New York. Additionally, he served as the New Rochelle Province’s delegate for youth ministry and held a position on the provincial council for nine years.
Since 2021, Father Abraham Feliciano has served as the director of the Salesian community at Don Bosco Prep in Ramsey. Before this role, he was a teacher at Don Bosco from 1998 to 2000.
Franciscan Sisters of Saint Elizabeth
Sister Philomina Vadakken, FSSE

Sister Philomina Varghese Vadakken of the Sacred Heart of Jesus entered the congregation of the Franciscan sisters of St. Elizabeth in the year of 1992 in India and came to United States in 1994. She made her First Profession of religious vows in 1998, in the delegate house in Parsippany.
She earned a bachelor’s degree from St. Peter’s College in Jersey City.
As a religious sister, she has held various professions and had various assignments, such as cook, assistant early childhood teacher, and pre- K and kindergarten teacher.
She has also been assigned to various houses in New Jersey.
Sister Cathy Lynn Cummings, FSSE
Sister Cathy Lynn Cummings of Our Lady of Perpetual Help entered the Franciscan Sisters of Saint Elizabeth on Aug. 3, 1995. She made her First Profession of Vows on Aug. 1, 1998, and Perpetual Profession of Vows on July 31, 2004.

Sister’s education includes a BA from the School of Education from Florida Atlantic University and a Master of Science from the School of Education from Nova Southeastern University, both in Florida. Further studies were at St. Leo University, St. Leo, Fla.; Assumption College for Sisters, Mendham, N.J.; and William Paterson University, Wayne, N.J.
Sisters’ assignments since her First Profession include teacher, assistant principal, and principal at St. Elizabeth Nursery and Montessori School in Parsippany and Superior of Convent and Principal of Holy Family Day Nursery School, Nutley.
She also served as secretary of the Paterson Diocesan Pastoral Council.
Holy Family Sisters of the Needy
Sister Mary Vitalis Iwuoha, HFSN

On Oct. 7, 1995, Sister Mary Vitalis Iwuoha took her first religious vows in the Congregation of The Holy Family Sisters of the Needy (HFSN) in Nigeria.
She obtained a degree in Registered Nursing from the School of Nursing in Umulogho, Imo State Nigeria. Currently, Sister Vitalis works as a nurse in a Nursing home.
Sister Mary Felicita Mmaduabuchi, HFSN

On Oct. 10, 1998, Sister Felicitas Maduabuchi took her first religious vows as a member of the Congregation of The Holy Family Sisters of the Needy in Nigeria.
She obtained her Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing from the College of Saint Elizabeth. Currently, she serves as a nurse at Trinitas Regional Medical Center located in Elizabeth, N.J.
Apostolic Sisters of St. John
Sister Gabriella Ramirez de la Rosa CSJ

Sister Gabriela Ramirez de la Rosa, originally from Monterrey Nuevo Leon, Mexico, became a member of the Congregation of the Apostolic Sisters of Saint John on Sept. 8, 1995, in France. She took her first vows on June 4, 1998.
She ministered with her community in France. She was appointed Postulant Mistress and Novice Mistress of the Novitiate in Cebu Philippines. In the United States, she served as a Campus Minister at Seton Hall University in New Jersey.
Sister is currently serving at St. Joseph Parish in East Orange as a Youth Minister, where her greatest joy is the opportunity to live her spiritual motherhood: giving life through the Light of Christ to the students entrusted to her.
Daughters of Divine Love
Sr. Patricia Ejim DDL
Daughters of Mary Mother of Mercy
Sister Mariannette Evo-Esinwoke, DMMM
Sister Appolonia Kingsley Uche, DMMM
Editor’s note: Religious with no biographies did not submit information or photos to Jersey Catholic.