We are challenged to be spirit-filled evangelizers

As he blessed them he parted from them and was taken up to heaven. They did him homage and then returned to Jerusalem with great joy, and they were continually in the temple praising God (Lk 24:52–53)

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

The bishops of New Jersey have transferred the observance of the Ascension of the Lord from the Thursday of the Sixth Week of Easter to the following Sunday. This year the Catholics of the Garden State will celebrate on Sunday, May 29. The primary reason we transfer this major feast is to allow as many people as possible to observe this sacred festival in the liturgical calendar and to participate actively in this solemn celebration of the Ascension of the Lord.

As Pope Francis has said, “The Ascension of Jesus into heaven acquaints us with this deeply consoling reality on our journey: in Christ, true God and true man, our humanity was taken to God. Christ opened the path to us. If we entrust our life to him, if we let ourselves be guided by him, we are certain to be in safe hands, in the hands of our Savior.” Especially as we walk together, listening to one another, praying together, and preparing for the Synod of Bishops in 2023, we welcome the gift of the Holy Spirit that Jesus’ return to the Father makes possible.

Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium (“The Joy of the Gospel”), is filled with references to the Holy Spirit.

In his first chapter, the pope writes: “Life in the Spirit, which has its source in the heart of the risen Christ,” is the opposite of the anxious, guilt-ridden, superficial way of life that far too many of us experience. “That is no way to live a dignified and fulfilled life,” the Holy Father tells us. “It is not God’s will for us” (#2). The alternative is the meaningful, joy-filled way of life that Christ taught us by his words and his example.

In his final chapter, Pope Francis exclaims: “How I long for the right words to stir up enthusiasm for a new chapter of evangelization full of fervor, joy, generosity, courage, boundless love and attraction! Yet I realize that no words of encouragement will be enough unless the fire of the Holy Spirit burns in our hearts” (#261).

Continue reading Cardinal Tobin’s newsletter in English or Spanish.

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