Christians around the world celebrate the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Jan. 18-25
Service to be held at St. Helen’s in Westfield.
Service to be held at St. Helen’s in Westfield.
A year of scholarly achievements, community service and engagement, and the fostering of a deeper connection to God.
In his encyclical Fratelli Tutti (On Fraternity and Social Friendship) #278, Pope Francis tells us that war is fratricide—brothers and sisters killing one another.
I join with the people of Newark and surrounding communities deeply distressed by the tragic loss of Imam Hassan Sharif of Masjid Muhammed Mosque.
Cardinal Tobin and past clergy joined parishioners to celebrate the parish’s 75th anniversary.
Young scholarship recipients sang, danced, and asked Cardinal Tobin holiday-themed questions.
Let us pray for them.
Sunday, December 17 is Gaudete Sunday. It is a day midway through the Advent season when we are called to be especially joyful because the Lord is near.
We pray about it in a special way during Advent.
We must align our spiritual values with our actions toward the planet and each other.