Embracing Holiness: Celebrating World Day for Consecrated Life
On Saturday, Feb. 3, dozens of religious order priests, sisters, and brothers from different congregations throughout the Archdiocese of Newark gathered at St. Therese of Lisieux Church in Cresskill to observe World Day for Consecrated Life. The celebration honored and recognized the dedication and sacrifice of the women and men who have dedicated their lives to prayer, community living, and service within the Catholic Church.
The Mass was presided over by Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin, C.Ss.R., Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Newark; and concelebrated by Regional Bishops Elias Lorenzo (Union County) and Michael Saporito (Bergen County); Father Samuel Citero, O.Carm., pastor; Father Michael Joyce, O.Carm., parochial vicar; and Father Joseph O’Brien, O.Carm, pastor emeritus.
Among the attendees and members of religious communities who reside and serve in the Archdiocese, including 24 communities of religious men and 50 communities of religious women, were the 2024 Jubilarians marking milestone years of professed religious life. Sister Patricia Wormann, O.P., the Archdiocese’s Delegate to Religious Life, who organizes the annual observance, expressed gratitude and extended congratulations to the religious members at the beginning of Mass.
“It’s a joyous celebration for all of us,” Sister Wormann said. “We are also celebrating the Jubilarians who are observing 25, 50, 60, 65, 70, 75, and 80 years of faithful service to the Church, which adds up to 4,120 years of ministry. We are grateful for them. We also ask you to pray for vocations.”
In his homily, Cardinal Tobin referred to the Gospel’s first reading from the Book of Job (Job 7:1-4, 6-7), drawing a parallel between Job’s hardships, suffering, and losses to those of Jesus, suggesting that loss is an inherent aspect of life, even for those dedicated to serving God.
“Consecrated people and our communities, too, must know that loss is included in the way of the world. God knows this, too,” Cardinal Tobin said. “And God remains with us either way. God shows that love means ‘being with us’ in good times and in bad. He does join us in delightful meals. But he stays with us in the moments of the Cross. He doesn’t take our troubles away. He joins us in them.”
Following the Profession of Faith, religious order priests, sisters and brothers renewed their vows and commitment to live life following Christ in chastity, poverty, and obedience. At the conclusion of Mass, each of the 62 Jubilarians was called forward to accept a congratulatory letter and blessing from Cardinal Tobin.
World Day for Consecrated Life originates from Pope John Paul II’s 1996 Apostolic Letter “Vita Consecrata,” which underscored the importance of consecrated life and called for an annual day of celebration. Feb. 2 was selected for its significance and connection to the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, which commemorates Mary and Joseph presenting the infant Jesus in the Temple and consecrating Him to God’s service. Similarly, this day symbolizes consecrated individuals dedicating their lives to God’s service and the welfare of humanity.
To learn more about Religious Life in the Archdiocese of Newark, visit online at www.rcan.org/vocations-for-religious-life/

25 Years:
Dominican Nuns of Summit:
Sr. Maureen of the Eucharist, OP
Holy Family Sisters of the Needy:
Sr. Damian Nwafor, HFSN
50 Years:
Sisters of St. Dominic-Caldwell:
Sr. Luella Ramm, OP
Daughters of Mary Mother of Mercy:
Sr. Mary Celine Comfort Echewa, DMMM
Edmund Rice Christian Brothers:
Br. Robert Benedict McDonough, CFC
Sisters of Charity:
Sr. Maryanne Campeotto, SC
60 Years:
Benedictine Sisters:
Sr. Philomena Fleck, O.S.B.
Sr. Rosemary Kenny, O.S.B.
Rev. Hilary Milton, O.Carm.
Rev. Joseph O’Brien, O.Carm.
Felician Sisters:
Sr. Mary Alicia Adametz, CSSF
Sr. Mary Alice Buczko, CSSF
Sr. Mary Laverne Cholewa, CSSF
Sr. Mary Fides Milwicz, CSSF
Sisters of Charity:
Sr. Roseann Mazzeo, SC
Sr. Cecilia McManus, SC
Sr. Dianne Moore, SC
Sr. Marcella Nolan, SC
Sisters of Saint Joseph of Peace:
Sr. Harriet Hamilton, CSJP
65 Years:
Sisters of St. Dominic-Caldwell:
Sr. Arlene Antczak, OP
Sr. Anne Halpin, OP
Sr. Patricia Hogan, OP
Sr. Michael Maurice Leahy, OP
Sr. Eleanor Uhl, OP
Missionary Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception:
Sr. Elizabeth Lennon, MFIC
Sisters of Charity:
Sr. Beatrice Guider, SC
Sr. Judith Mertz, SC
Sr. Gloria O’Brien, OP
Sr. Marie Russo, SC
Sr. Maureen Shaughnessy, SC
Sr. Marilyn Zaino, SC
70 Years:
Benedictine Sisters:
Sr. Germaine Fritz, O.S.B.
Sr. Gabrielle Keenen, O.S.B.
Sisters of St. Dominic-Caldwell:
Sr. deMontfort Kinchellagh, OP
Sr. Danelle McCarthy, OP
Sr. Gerarda Panek, OP
Sr. Patrice Werner, OP
Felician Sisters:
Sr. Lucille Marie Bruno, CSSF
Sr. Mary Antonelle Chunka, CSSF
Sr. Mary Adrianna Gorski, CSSF
Sr. Mary Lorene Pivinski, CSSF
Sr. Mary Michaelita Wiechetek, CSSF
Sisters of Charity:
Sr. Margaret Killough, SC
Sr. Mary Morley, SC
Sr. Mary Ellen Verdon, SC
Sisters of Saint Joseph of Peace:
Sr. Helen Blendermann, CSJP
Sr. Joan Davis, CSJP
Sr. Margaret Jane Kling, CSJP
75 Years:
Sisters of St. Dominic-Caldwell:
Sr. Christine Coakley, OP
Sr. Mary John Kearney, OP
Sr. Bettyanne Schultz, OP
Felician Sisters:
Sr. Mary Elaine Lechert, CSSF
Sr. Irene Marie Sarnecki, CSSF
Sisters of Charity:
Sr. Mary Lou Hayden, SC
Sr. Clare Mary Roden, SC
Sr. Dorothy Sheahan, SC
Sr. Mary Jo Ward, SC
Sisters of Saint Joseph of Peace:
+ Sr. Eleanor Maragliano, CSJP
80 Years:
Sisters of St. Dominic-Caldwell:
Sr. Elizabeth Francis Brisson, OP
Sisters of Charity:
Sr. Lawrence Mahon, SC
Sr. Anita William O’Neill, SC
Sisters of Saint Joseph of Peace:
Sr. Anne Croghan, CSJP