From the archives — Off to study

Women religious from the Archdiocese of Newark board a plane bound for Wisconsin in June 1960 to study special education techniques at St. Coletta’s School. Pictured left to right: Sisters of Charity: Sister Anna Rosalie and Sister Mary Immaculate. Religious Teachers Filippini: Sister Lillian Ernest, M.P.F.; Sister Geraldine Canale, M.P.F.; Sister Victoria LiPuma, M.P.F.; and Sister Cecelia Rotondo, M.P.F. (Archdiocese of Newark Archives, Catholic Advocate collection)

Editor’s note: Welcome to Jersey Catholic’s feature “From the archives.” Every Monday, we feature a photo from the Archdiocese of Newark Archives. All published archival photos will be saved under the “From the archives” tab in the top menu. For more information on the archdiocesan archives visit

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