Cardinal Tobin Christmas message image 2021.

A Christmas message from Cardinal Joseph Tobin

My Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

We associate “joy” with Christmas. Do we know what joy is? Have we experienced it lately?

According to Pope Francis: “To be full of joy is the experience of the highest consolation, when the Lord makes us understand that this is something different from being cheerful, positive, bright…No, it is another thing; it is an overflowing joy that really hits us. Receiving the joy of the Spirit is a grace.”

When I was a boy in elementary school, the sisters gave us a very simple—but profound—tool for learning what joy is. They told us that when you spell j-o-y, the “j” stands for Jesus who should always come first in our lives. The “o” stands for others who come second. And the “y’ stands for yourself. Place Jesus first, others second, and yourself last of all, and you will know joy.

Isn’t it amazing how these simple teaching devices cut right to the heart of the matter? Volumes of philosophy, theology and spirituality have been written on the concepts of joy and happiness. The nuances they contain are important, I know, for the fullness or accuracy of our understanding, but what the sisters taught is no less profound. If we place Jesus first in our lives, if we think of others before we think of ourselves, we will be surprised by joy!

Jesus Christ is the greatest Christmas gift, the source of all real joy. He is the gift of God the Father, who became one of us in all things but sin by the power of Holy Spirit. This amazing gift was first given to Mary, and then to all of us, to save us from the destructive power of sin and death. This is the joy, the fulfillment, of all human desiring. This is what we celebrate at Christmas time—on earth as in heaven. This is the time of year when we call to mind most vividly the mystery of the Incarnation and the joy of Christ’s birth.

All other Christmas gifts pale in comparison to this one: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him” (Jn 3:16-17).

On Christmas Day, and throughout this joyous season, we are invited to join with Mary, and all the angels and saints, in a joy-filled festival of happiness and peace. The joy in heaven on Christmas Day cannot be accurately described in earthly words or images, but we believe with all our hearts that those who have gone before us to our heavenly home rejoice on this day. And we hope and pray that this joy will spill over and bring peace on earth—today and always.

Jesus is our j-o-y. When we place him first, others second and ourselves third, everything falls into proper perspective.

Merry Christmas!

Sincerely yours in Christ the Redeemer,

Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin, C.Ss.R.

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