What’s needed in creating vital parishes

A recent study by FADICA (Foundations and Donors Interested in Catholic Activities), a consortium of Catholic funders, focused on parish vitality and identified specific characteristics that contribute to parish vitality.

Vital parishes: 

Are innovative. While rooted in tradition and fundamental church teachings, they actively seek new ways to engage with diverse groups, lead, and adapt. 

Have excellent pastors with the desire, qualities, and skills to work collaboratively and co-responsibly with staff and parish leaders and the adaptability to meet the continuously changing context in which they find themselves. 

Live the faith in service, reaching out beyond the parish’s four walls and live out the call to form missionary disciples.  

Have leadership teams that recognize the laity’s essential contribution to the church’s ongoing life. 

Have a holistic, compelling vision that engages in relational ministry; foster authentic relationships within the parish community; ensure the proclamation of and formation in the Word; supply worship that nurtures one’s relationship with God; and offer service that reaches parishioners and the community outside the parish walls. 

Prioritize the Sunday experience, focusing on the key elements of the 3 Hs—hospitality, Homily, and Hymns. 

Foster spiritual growth and maturity, recognizing a wide assortment of ways the People of God journey to and build their relationship with Jesus.  

Use online communication tools. Good, interactive, and culturally sensitive websites and the proper use of social media, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, are critical. 

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