St. Francis Academy student is one of the best spellers in the state

Vihaan Gadodia, an 8th-grader at St. Francis Academy in Union City, recently placed second at the Knights of Columbus State Spelling Bee Championship.

The final bee was held on April 7 at the Church of the Epiphany in Brick.

Gadodia said he prepared for the spelling bee by studying words diligently for hours each day. He quizzed himself with help from parents, teachers, and classmates.

“The most rewarding part of being in the spelling bee is the aftermath. Whether you won or not you still achieved the opportunity to compete in a proper spelling competition,” he said. “This and the plaques, recognition, fame, and rewards I received make it worthwhile.”

Gadodia missed the word “magnificently,” which led to him securing second place in the state championship. He revealed that he was familiar with the spelling but had a humorous reason for misspelling it.

“While I am spelling, I like to write out the word in the palm of my hand. As I was writing I quickly ran out of space, because of this misstep I lost my place in the word and unfortunately spelled it incorrectly,” Gadodia said. “Even though I got out on a simple word and achieved second place, I am joyful that I attained the chance to compete in a professional spelling bee.”

Gadodia attributes his passion for spelling to his love for reading and writing, stating that it is “an art” practiced by everyone daily out of necessity.

“Not many people enjoy spelling, but in reality, every one of us uses and spells these words in our daily lives. Reading, which I love, and spelling, which I love, tie into each other,” Gadodia said. “In reading, you are picking up thousands and thousands of words. Then our brain puts it all together and allows us to read. Spelling bees are like reading… You hear the words, visualize it, dissect it, then spell it letter by letter, and hopefully win.”

Gadodia’s passion for spelling and literacy is shared by the Knights who organize the spelling bee each year.

“Here at the Knights, we love learning,” said Vito Mazza, a retired educator, and Chairman of the Archdiocesan Knights of Columbus Spelling Bee. “We are trying to help develop the communication skills of any student who participates in our bee. We are trying to educate people that having a good vocabulary is highly desirable.”

Three competitors at the state championship came from the Archdiocese of Newark, following their victories at the regional Archdiocese of Newark Knights of Columbus Spelling Bee on Sunday, March 10. In addition to Gadodia, Elizabeth Lan of Queen of Peace School in North Arlington and Adrian Bowser of Christ the Teacher School in Fort Lee competed for the championship title.

The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic fraternal organization founded on principles of charity, unity, and fraternity. The Knights of Columbus councils of the Archdiocese of Newark have traditionally partnered with local schools and parishes to host this regional spelling bee each year. 

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