Special Advent Prayer Service planned in Hoboken— From hate to hope, how do we belong?

Following the news can be disconcerting. Violence against certain people is rampant. Groups are targeted by hate groups or individuals filled with hate. Gun violence is now routine, seemingly a fact of life. 

Before Thanksgiving, three football players from the University of Virginia were killed by a disgruntled former player on a chartered bus.  A Colorado Springs gay club lost five patrons who were shot by a man confused over his sexuality. And a Walmart night manager killed six people, including a 16-year-old who was only one week on the job. He then committed suicide. 

Reports show a rise in hate crimes against Jews, people of color, Asians, and migrants. Punches are thrown out of nowhere, people are pushed onto train tracks, and others are stabbed and shot. It’s a scary time.

But the season of Advent calls us to be hopeful.  So how do we get from hate to hope? 

On Sunday, Dec. 11, Our Lady of Grace will hold a special Advent Prayer Service, FROM HATE TO HOPE; HOW DO WE BELONG?,  from 3 to 4 p.m. 

Six people will give witness by naming the problem and sharing any prejudice they have experienced. They will offer a way toward reform and renewal. Their testimony will be enhanced by prayers and hymns.

READ: Entering Advent, Hanukkah Catholic Bishops emphasizes relationship with Jewish Community

Our Lady of Grace is one of the oldest and largest Catholic churches in the state of New Jersey, founded in 1851. The church is on the federal historic register list and was featured in the Oscar-winning film, “On the Waterfront.”

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