Meet the New Director of Priestly Vocations: Father Patrick Seo

The Archdiocese of Newark recently welcomed Father Patrick Seo as its new director of priestly vocations, a role that carries profound responsibility and spiritual significance. Appointed by Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin, C.Ss.R., Archbishop of Newark, Father Seo succeeds Father Eugenio de la Rama, who faithfully served in this capacity for seven years.

Father Seo’s journey to the priesthood was an unexpected one, full of discernment and profound spiritual awakening. Born in Brooklyn and raised in Englewood Cliffs, he experienced a varied upbringing, attending both public schools and Bergen Catholic High School in Oradell. Following his high school education, Father Seo ventured to the West Coast, enrolling at Thomas Aquinas College in California.

Initially, Father Seo’s path seemed destined for a career in medicine. He attended a one-year, post-baccalaureate premedical program at Northwestern University in Evanston, Ill., followed by research at Rockefeller University in New York and a medical program at Thomas Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia. Yet, in his third year of medical school, Father Seo began to feel a deeper call, one that transcended his studies. He discerned his vocation to the priesthood, leading him to enter Seton Hall University’s Immaculate Conception Seminary in 2013. In 2017, he was ordained a priest, fully embracing the life of service to which he felt called.

In his ministry, Father Seo has served in several parishes, including as parochial vicar and temporary administrator at Our Lady of Mercy Parish in Park Ridge and as parochial vicar at Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary / St. Michael’s Parish in Elizabeth. In 2023, he served as associate director of vocations. Now, as the director of vocations for the Archdiocese, he is tasked with guiding men discerning the priesthood, a responsibility he finds deeply fulfilling.

“I love to hear the stories about how the Lord has entered and transformed their lives,” Father Seo said. “Those are the ones that are truly interesting, and those are the stories I get to hear as director of vocations from these men on a regular basis.”

Creating a Culture of Vocations

Father Seo’s approach to fostering priestly vocations is built on four key pillars: outreach, discernment, application, and formation. Each plays a crucial role in cultivating a vocation-friendly environment within the Archdiocese.

  • Outreach: By visiting parishes, schools, youth groups, and young adult ministries, Father Seo spreads the message that God calls each person to a unique vocation, whether it be to the priesthood, religious life, or married life.
  • Discernment: Father Seo walks with men who are discerning their calling and helps them learn and discover how God is speaking to their hearts.
  • Application: Once a man feels called to pursue the priesthood, Father Seo guides him through the application process, ensuring he is fully prepared to enter seminary.
  • Formation: During their seminary training, men are provided with further spiritual and pastoral formation. This can include mission trips, pilgrimages, and pastoral assignments, all of which help shape them into the priests God calls them to be.

Promoting Vocations Through Prayer and Faith

In addition to the structured programs for discernment, Father Seo emphasizes the power of prayer in fostering vocations. He said encouraging communities to pray for an increase in vocations is one of the most powerful ways to support the mission of the Church.

Father Seo also noted that teaching people about the importance of the Eucharist is a crucial way of inspiring young men to join the priesthood.

 “The biggest challenge facing vocations today is the lack of belief in the True Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist,” Father Seo said. “Without faith in the Eucharist, there is no need for the priest, whose hands consecrate the bread and wine into the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ.”

Father Seo stressed that faith in the Eucharist is central to a thriving priesthood, echoing Pope St. John Paul II’s teaching: “There can be no Eucharist without the priesthood, just as there can be no priesthood without the Eucharist.”

Father Patrick Seo gives the homily during the 2023 Baccalaureate Mass at Thomas Aquinas College. (Thomas Aquinas College)

The Life of Seminarians and Priests

In his role, Father Seo has had the unique opportunity to interact with many seminarians, whom he described as “regular, well-adjusted guys” who, despite their distinctive calling, share many common interests with their peers. Whether it’s running marathons, competing in sports, or playing musical instruments around a campfire, Father Seo said these men embody a deep humanity that forms the foundation of their priestly formation.

“Our seminarians are good men who are being shaped into the priests God calls them to be,” Father Seo said. “They live regular lives, yet they are open to the extraordinary grace of the Lord that sets them on the path to priesthood.”

Similarly, Father Seo wants people to know that priests, too, are human and imperfect. Despite their flaws, he said God uses them as His instruments to share Divine Grace through the sacraments.

“Praise the Lord for how much He loves us!” Father Seo exclaimed, reflecting on how humbling it is to be part of God’s work.

A Rewarding Mission

As the director of priestly vocations, Father Seo finds immense joy in journeying with men who are serious about their faith and open to hearing God’s call. In contrast to his parish ministry, where conversations often centered around daily life, in his current role, Father Seo engages with men who are ready to take significant spiritual steps.

“These men, living in a world that opposes and persecutes the Church, are led by the Holy Spirit to consider becoming priests. And I have the privilege of hearing their stories,” he said.

Father Seo’s passion for his ministry is evident, and he encourages anyone considering the priesthood to explore it further.

“If God is calling you, come and see how wonderful the life of a priest can truly be,” Father Seo said. “God wants only that which will make you flourish, and He will supply you with all you need.”

To learn more about priestly vocations in the Archdiocese of Newark, visit

READ: Q&A with Father Patrick Seo, the New Associate Director of Priestly Vocations

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