The five men ordained priests for the Archdiocese of Newark on May 29, 2021 from left to right: Moris Montoya, Christian G. Scalo, Lynx J.M. Soliman, Luis Carlos Rodrigues de Araujo, and Gabriel Celis Camacho. (Photo by Jai Agnish/Archdiocese of Newark)

Jersey Catholic: The most popular stories of 2021

There were 500 articles published to Jersey Catholic since its launch in March. Here are the five news articles in English that received the most views.

Q&A with the five new priests

From Guam to Cedar Grove, we learned about the diverse paths traveled by the five men ordained priests for the Archdiocese of Newark this year. Their paths intersected on May 29, when they were ordained by Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin, C.Ss.R., in the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Newark.

This year’s class featured a biologist, landscaper, and financial compliance specialist. In the article, the ordinandi describe when they first sensed the call to the priesthood — one as early as age six – and their transformational journeys to the priesthood.

Read the article.

New priests address members of their future parish

Jersey Catholic caught up with the five priest-to-be prior to their ordination and asked them what message they’d like to give to the members of their future parish?

Read the article.

Priest runs the ‘good race’ in New York City Marathon

Father Manuel Duenas, a priest of the Archdiocese of Newark and current vice-rector of Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Kearny, N.J., was among 33,000 participants in this year’s New York City marathon.

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Archdiocese of Newark welcomes five new priests during ordination

Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin, C.Ss.R., Archbishop of Newark, ordained five new priests into service in the Archdiocese of Newark during a Rite of Ordination Mass on May 29 in Newark’s Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart. As the Mass began, the men were presented to the cardinal and were met with applause by the faithful as a sign of joy and welcoming.

Read the article with photo and video highlights.

Sister Gerardine Mueller O.P. creating art. (Photo courtesy of Pushparaj Aitwal/Caldwell University)
Sister Gerardine Mueller O.P. creating art. (Photo courtesy of Pushparaj Aitwal/Caldwell University)

At nearly 100-years-old, Sister Gerardine’s love for making art persists

“You mean I’m on the internet?” asked Sister Gerardine Mueller O.P. with a laugh. “I’ll check it out someday.”

Sister Gerardine turned 100 on Sept. 16. And while the world tries to wrap its collective head around new digital art forms like non-fungible tokens (NFTs), Sister Gerardine continues to impress within more traditional art forms. Lately, she has been creating elegant hand-crafted Christmas cards every year.

Read the article with photo and video highlights.

Featured image: The five men ordained priests for the Archdiocese of Newark this year from left to right: Moris Montoya, Christian G. Scalo, Lynx J.M. Soliman, Luis Carlos Rodrigues de Araujo, and Gabriel Celis Camacho. (Photo by Jai Agnish/Archdiocese of Newark)

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