A welcome back to the college campus – and the Catholic home away from home (Back to school)
‘It provides almost like a spiritual safety net for these students who really are independent for the first time.’
‘It provides almost like a spiritual safety net for these students who really are independent for the first time.’
Family time, prayer, and faith formation in the classroom play a positive role.
The start of a new school year always comes with a mix of emotions.
Young adults learn of the words spoken by the Blessed Mother to seer Adele Brise in 1859 while on a pilgrimage to Champion, the only approved apparition site in the U.S.
Catholic schools and their educators are equipped to help students navigate healthy smartphone and social media limits, preparing them for the future.
Seven Archdiocesan schools will welcome new leaders for the 2024-25 school year.
The Archdiocese of Newark’s School Leaders Administrative Conference was held on Tuesday, Aug. 20.
Father Edwin Leahy has served as headmaster of St. Benedict’s Prep for 51 years.
The bilingual picture book encourages kids to protect the earth.
Students learned about Fatima, Lourdes, Knock, Guadalupe and Mt. Carmel.