Cardinal Tobin to new priests: service is the foundation on which priesthood is built (Video/ photos)
The Archdiocese welcomed three new priests on Saturday, May 25.
The Archdiocese welcomed three new priests on Saturday, May 25.
Parishes will hold processions on the Solemnity of Corpus Christi.
‘My heart ached for our sisters and brothers at the border and the poverty in the Diocese of Brownsville.’
Director of Hispanic Ministry for the Archdiocese of Newark led the retreat with the theme, “From My Encounter with the Risen Jesus to My Encounter with My Brothers and Sisters.”
Father David Santos credits his time in the military with helping him discover his vocation and enhance his priestly ministry.
Father Charles J. Watters celebrated his last Mass on Nov. 19, 1967, on a bright Sunday morning deep in the central highlands of South Vietnam.
They have been praying for you.
Michael Bollinger, Giovanni Cuzziol, and Raymond Walsh were ordained on Sunday, May 19, in the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Newark.
All are invited to attend Masses held at 7 cemeteries.
Ahead of this Sunday’s diaconate ordination, learn all about the rituals of the ordination Mass, which are each rich in meaning and history.