Immaculate Conception in Montclair erects memorial to those lost to COVID-19
Montclair now has a memorial to remember those lost to the pandemic thanks to the dream of a priest and his flock.
“It was my vision to build a memorial to remember those who died during the pandemic,” said Father A. Benny Prado, Pastor at St. Teresa of Calcutta Parish and Immaculate Conception Church in Montclair. “Many parishioners, friends, and even family members were lost in our community.”
Montclair was the first town in New Jersey to report a case of COVID-19 in 2020. Over a three-year period, Montclair lost 93 people due to complications with COVID-19. The memorial is one of the first in the area dedicated to victims of the pandemic.

Parishioners, Father Prado, and Bishop Manuel Aurelio Cruz gathered on the grounds of Immaculate Conception Church on Sunday, Oct. 15, for the dedication and blessing of the memorial. On top of a stone pedestal, Mother Mary holds her heart and gazes up to heaven. The pedestal, along with the memorial garden was designed by a local contractor, McMillan Landscape Contractors. The statue came from a church in Connecticut that just recently closed its doors. There is a peace and comfort one feels in her presence, said Father Prado.
It would not be implausible to say that every American knew someone who died during the pandemic. The numbers throughout the world were staggering and a grim testament to the power of nature and disease on our planet, he said.
Many that gathered last Sunday had lost a family member, neighbor, or friend to complications with the disease.
“This memorial will allow us to reflect daily on the beauty and preciousness of earthly life, while at the same time realizing that our earthly journeys, if well-lived, will lead us to God’s glory in His kingdom,” Father Prado said. “Prayer provides comfort and offers us the opportunity of talking with God, allowing Him to respond through His presence and divine love.”
The memorial is an important part of the community’s healing process, serving as a reminder of sorrow, grief, and loss, and also that every human being is special in God’s eyes, he said.
“He wants only for us to share in His love. This memorial in a spiritual sense seeks to unite Heaven and Earth, joining together both human and divine love,” Father Prado said.
He called the memorial “a silent prayer.”
“A prayer of grief and sorrow, but also a prayer of thanksgiving and hope for a more promising future. It is also a powerful call to serve our fellow human beings, a reminder that we are all disciples of Jesus Christ, and therefore obligated to minister daily in the fields of our Lord, healing the sick, comforting the dying, and bringing hope to the lost and lonely. Let us pray to our God, asking for strength to carry out our tasks.
The church is located at 30 N. Fullerton Ave. The memorial is located on Munn Street.
Photos courtesy of Immaculate Conception