2023 Annual Hispanic Heritage Mass celebrated, Bishop Cruz commemorated (Photos/ video)
The Archdiocese of Newark held its annual Hispanic Heritage Mass on Friday, Sept. 8, at Newark’s Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart departing from its usual tradition of celebrating the Mass in October during National Hispanic Heritage Month. The change in schedule was due to Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin, C.Ss.R., Archbishop of Newark, who will be participating in the Synod of Bishops at the Vatican in October. Approximately 30 priests were also present, and the Mass was concelebrated by all four auxiliary bishops, including Bishop Manuel A. Cruz, D.D., the auxiliary bishop of Essex County, who commemorated the 15th anniversary of his Episcopal Ordination.
The most prominent feature of this annual celebration is the opening procession. Participants in the procession don cultural attire, bear the flags of their respective countries of origin, and carry silk banners featuring the name of their nation’s corresponding advocation of the Virgin Mary. The Cathedral pews were occupied by both Spanish-speaking and non-Spanish-speaking attendees, some holding flags and others dressed in traditional attire, all proudly expressing their national pride and smiling as their country’s flag passed by.

The first reading from the Book of Micah prophesies the birthplace of the future king of Israel, commonly interpreted as a reference to the birth of Jesus Christ. The second reading from the Book of Romans underscores the notion that God acts for the benefit of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. The Gospel reading from the Gospel of Matthew narrates the birth of Jesus Christ, wherein Mary, while engaged to Joseph, conceives through the Holy Spirit, and an angel, appearing in a dream to Joseph, reassures him that the child will be the Savior who redeems people from their sins.
During the homily, Cardinal Tobin noted that the Virgin Mary is an important symbol among all Latin American countries and binds them together. He also emphasized the importance of conserving the Catholic faith. “Faith is conserved in the way it is shared, with trust,” Cardinal Tobin said. He related this to the story of his grandmother, an Irish immigrant who was a staunch supporter of conserving their Irish heritage and encouraged her family to do the same.
According to the Archdiocese of Newark Hispanic Ministry statistics, Hispanics constitute 40% of the Archdiocese’s Catholic population. As reported in the archdiocesan Synod results, 212 small groups of Hispanic Catholics gathered across 43 parishes for five sessions to share their perspectives on the Church, highlighting strengths and areas in need of improvement to promote unity within the Catholic community. These sessions revealed that parish communities are generally welcoming to newcomers, but occasional instances of ignorance and prejudice persist. Furthermore, there is a strong desire within the Hispanic community to increase youth engagement in parishes, as many young individuals have expressed a sense of not belonging.

At the conclusion of the Mass, Deacon Asterio Velasco, Hispanic Ministry director at Archdiocese of Newark, thanked all those in attendance, including the flag-bearers and the members of the Hispanic Ministry. Cardinal Tobin complemented Deacon Velasco’s comments with a congratulatory announcement concerning Bishop Cruz, whose ordination took place on Sept. 8, 2008. This date holds special significance for Bishop Cruz as it coincides with the feast day of the patron saint of Cuba, La Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre (Our Lady of Charity). The entire Cathedral joyfully sang “Happy Birthday” to the bishop and burst into applause.
To learn more about the Hispanic Ministry, visit the Archdiocese’s website.
Photos and video by Julio Eduardo Herrera