The Church is mission
Synodality calls us to be a Church in mission. The Church does not merely “have” a mission.
Synodality calls us to be a Church in mission. The Church does not merely “have” a mission.
Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin celebrated the Mass on March 3.
Cardinal Tobin marks the anniversary with visit, Masses, blessings, and celebrations.
The annual event benefits the Archdiocese of Newark’s Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) and Retreat Center in Kearny.
As we celebrate the liturgical season of Lent, and prepare for the great joy of Easter, we find ourselves in what Pope Francis calls “a privileged moment to celebrate and experience God’s mercy.”
Llamado a la Conversión Continua y Rito de Elección, son ritos en los que los catecúmenos y candidatos son llamados a convertirse en católicos, se llevan a cabo en catedrales … Learn More
The fund is aimed at ‘healing physical, emotional, and spiritual wounds inflicted by the criminal Russian invasion.’
The Rite of Election ritual dates back to the early Church.
A profession of our faith and a reminder of our mortality.
May our daily observance of Lent sustain us to walk the road ahead as a united and sanctified people of God.