Cardinal Tobin calling for prayers following Pennsylvania shooting
Cardinal asking for the faithful to join him in prayer.
Cardinal asking for the faithful to join him in prayer.
In Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel), the Holy Father invites us, as individuals and as communities, to a profound pastoral conversion.
Cardinal Tobin one of seven U.S. clergy participating in Synod study groups.
The roundtable participants addressed why clergy must not neglect their own well-being while caring for everyone else.
In his Message for the 2024 World Day of Migrants and Refugees, which will be observed on September 29, Pope Francis observes that “Emphasizing the synodal dimension [of Church life] allows the Church to rediscover its itinerant nature, as the People of God journeying through history on pilgrimage, “migrating,” we could say, toward the Kingdom of Heaven (cf. Lumen Gentium, 49).”
Funds will be distributed to 50 Italian-American students who meet the scholarship’s financial requirements.
The Church teaches that life in Christ begins with baptism and is nourished by our frequent reception of the Holy Eucharist, the body and blood of Christ.
The Archdiocese of Newark’s annual Golden Anniversary Mass was celebrated held on Sunday, June 2.
The pope challenges all of us to be “Spirit-filled evangelizers.”
Mis Queridas Hermanas y Hermanos en Cristo, La exhortación apostólica del Papa Francisco, Evangelii Gaudium (“La alegría del Evangelio”), nos llama a todos—fieles laicos, sacerdotes y diáconos, obispos e incluso al propio … Learn More