From the archive — Flag blessing
Blessing of the Bicentennial flag at St. John’s in Newark
Blessing of the Bicentennial flag at St. John’s in Newark
In his Message for the 2024 World Day of Migrants and Refugees, which will be observed on September 29, Pope Francis observes that “Emphasizing the synodal dimension [of Church life] allows the Church to rediscover its itinerant nature, as the People of God journeying through history on pilgrimage, “migrating,” we could say, toward the Kingdom of Heaven (cf. Lumen Gentium, 49).”
162 Archdiocesan scouts receive religious recognitions
Funds will be distributed to 50 Italian-American students who meet the scholarship’s financial requirements.
Archdiocesan schools build community and life skills through theater.
John the Baptist spent his adult life preparing the way for Jesus, and proclaiming that “the Kingdom of Heaven is close at hand.”
How to contact your legislator
‘At The Mercy House, we recognize the crucial role fathers play in providing for their families.’
This plan acknowledges the importance of Hispanics in the Church.
“En este momento de gracia, los obispos de los Estados Unidos afirmamos de nuevo que la presencia hispana/latina entre nosotros es una bendición de Dios para la Iglesia y para … Learn More