Saint Peter’s Prep raises a whopping $76K to help end youth homelessness
Saint Peter’s Preparatory School in Jersey City earned the title of the top fundraising team in the nation for the Covenant House Sleep Out Program by raising nearly $80,000 for Covenant House New Jersey to end youth homelessness.
Established by Covenant House, a nonprofit organization that provides housing and support services to youth facing homelessness in cities across North and Central America, the Sleep Out program involves participants spending a night outdoors in solidarity with the homeless. When participants organize Sleep-Out events, they relinquish the comfort of their beds for one night to stand in solidarity with the homeless. Then, friends and family members sponsor the teams and individuals by pledging donations. The funds raised aid Covenant House in offering round-the-clock shelter, refuge, and assistance to young people overcoming homelessness.

Teens across the Archdiocese participate in Sleep Out events at their schools and parishes annually.
The Covenant House Junior Board members at Saint Peter’s Prep — Aidan Maione, Peyton Monaghan, Evan Nguyen, Luke Bae, John McClelland, Patrick Naughton, and Sasha Tyazhelkov — organized the event with support from Prep’s Office of Campus Ministry. Their fifth Sleep Out, held on May 4, involved hundreds of students raising $76,222.
During the event, students participated in discussions about Catholic social teachings on homelessness, according to Assistant Director of Campus Ministry Keith Cummings. Moreover, students engaged in discussions about stereotypes typically associated with homeless people. They also reflected on Jesuit teachings on service to others.
During the night of the Sleep Out, the organizers gave each student a cardboard box and a sleeping bag to use as their shelter. Before going to sleep, the group “held a candlelight vigil that was an intentional space for the participants to connect the Sleep Out with their spirituality,” Cummings said.

The following morning, students engaged in a reflective discussion about their experiences. Then the students crafted a paper “Sleep Out Chain.” Each link containing a prayer or lesson that a student drew from their experience.
They also engaged in a group prayer, led by the Senior Representative for the Covenant House’s Junior Board, Aidan Maione.
One student’s commitment to end youth homelessness
Senior Maione garnered $16,230 in sponsorships for the Sleep Out fundraiser. Through his fundraising efforts, he earned the title of number one individual fundraiser in New Jersey and third in the nation.
Maione’s Catholic faith and the Jesuit education he received at Saint Peter’s Prep inspire him to serve others.
“As a student in a Jesuit school, we are encouraged to find ‘God in all things,’” he said. “I believe in extending this to finding goodness in all people as well.”
As a member of the Covenant House New Jersey Student Program Board, Maione joins student representatives from 18 different high schools across New Jersey in the fight to end youth homelessness. “Each board member shares a common mission to push the message of Covenant House. Youth homelessness knows no bounds and so all should recognize and support these individuals as equals,” he said.
Maione collaborated with Saint Peter’s Prep Campus Ministry to found the Covenant House Junior Board at St. Peter’s Prep. Then Maione led this team to coordinate fundraising efforts, organize awareness campaigns, and plan the Sleep Out.
Meeting some teens who had experienced homelessness deeply affected Maione’s commitment to the issue. These encounters gave him “a personal connection” with those he assists. “The sad reality is that a young person is always one moment away from a life-changing error that can lead to tragic results. I personally resonated with this truth,” Maione said.
Utilizing connections through the charity club Men for Others, which he co-founded at Prep with his friend Pape, Maione secured sponsorships. Additionally, he used email to drive his fundraising campaign and “generate hype.”
On May 20, at Covenant House’s annual gala, Saint Peter’s Prep will receive the Student Impact Award. The award will recognize their work at Covenant House during this year’s Student Sleep Out. According to Cummings, the award “is a recognition that underscores our students’ unwavering commitment and passion for Covenant House’s mission to end youth homelessness.”
Cummings said the award “is a testament to our inspiring dedication and significant role in Covenant House’s efforts. We are truly excited and honored to accept this award this year.”
Featured image: Hundreds of students participated in the 2024 Student Sleep Out at Saint Peter’s Prep. The team raised a total of $76K to end youth homelessness. (Saint Peter’s Preparatory High School)