Parishoners show big support for Catholic ministries, programs
Seven months into the year, the Archdiocese of Newark has more than surpassed its goal of raising $9 million in its 2023 Annual Appeal.
For the third year in a row, Catholics throughout the Archdiocese are showing overwhelming financial support of the Archdiocese’s charitable programs and ministries funded through the Annual Appeal.
To date, the faithful have donated $9.74 million, according to the Office of Development and Stewardship of the Archdiocese of Newark. The number increased compared to the same period last year when parishioners donated $9.24 million in the first six months of the appeal.
“Compared to last year this time, we have surpassed the number of pledges, cash receivables, donations, and average gift size,” Thomas J. Smith, Director of the Office of Development and Stewardship, said.
In addition, out of 212 parishes. 151 parishes have made their goal. Each parish has incentives to surpass its specific parish goal. Parish goals are set by a formula based on 10% of the parish offertory from the previous year. Funds, raised over the goal set by the formula, go back to the parish to be used where needed, such as for capital improvements or parish-supported ministries. To date, over $1 million will go back to parishes directly through parish rebates and assessment rate reduction incentives with additional funds expected to go back to parishes.
The number of donors increased by just over 1,000 to date, and the average donation to date has increased slightly from $375 to $379, said Smith.
With the help of new software that connects donors to websites and forms of employers that offer matching gifts, about $37,000 to date was raised with matches, Smith said which surpasses the total amount for all of last year.
The appeal for funding is broken down into four categories:
- Proclaiming the Gospel ($1 million goal) — Funding for ministry to multi-ethnic communities, family-life programs, international missions, and ministry with the deaf.
- Caring for the Poor and Vulnerable ($3.5 million goal) — Funding for Catholic Charities, hospital and prison ministries, ministry with persons with disabilities, pro-life efforts, and protection of God’s children.
- Passing on the Faith ($2 million goal)— Funding of youth and young adult programs, faith formation, and campus ministries, and tuition support for Catholic schools.
- Forming Future Priests & Supporting Retired Clergy ($2.5 million goal) — Funding for continuing formation for priests, seminarian education, and priest health care.
In 2021, donors for the first time could restrict their donations to one of the four categories.
Smith said that of the donors who restrict their gifts, most want their donations to go toward Caring for the Poor and Vulnerable.
Last year throughout the Archdiocese of Newark,1,500 couples participated in marriage prep programs, over 22,000 students enrolled in Catholic schools, 60,500 students were in Catechism programs, Mercy House distributed 80,000 pounds of food and Catholic Charities provided 68,00 nights of care to displaced individuals.
The Annual Appeal begins in January and ends in December, so parishioners still have time to make a gift to support the ministries of the Archdiocese of Newark.
To make a pledge or gift to the Annual Appeal donors can visit the Archdiocese website.