Parishes around the Archdiocese celebrate Holy Week with venerate displays

This past week, the 212 parishes throughout the Archdiocese of Newark commemorated the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, holding Masses and prayer services and leading processions through local streets during emotion-filled days.

This year, local churches were filled with the faithful during Holy Week. Parishes prayed and celebrated uniquely and at all hours with music and candlelight. To capture some of that local character, collected 162 images from 62 archdiocesan parishes. Revisit Holy Week, day by day, from the perspective of those parishes in the slideshows below.

Palm Sunday – April 10

Palm Sunday marks the first day of Holy Week and commemorates Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem.

Parishes blessed palms and paraded through local streets in song (37 pictures).

Holy Thursday – April 14

Holy Thursday celebrates the Mass of the Lord’s Supper, commemorating Jesus’ final gathering with his disciples, during which he washed their feet and instituted the sacrament of the Eucharist before he died.

Priests washed the feet of the faithful and accepted the oils blessed at the Chrism Mass (22 pictures).

Good Friday – April 15

Good Friday commemorates the Passion of Christ. Christ’s suffering and death is observed with prayer and silence.

Parishes held solemn liturgies and reenacted the Stations of the Cross in churches and towns (33 pictures).

Holy Saturday – April 16

Holy Saturday commemorates a day of waiting — when the Apostles waited as the body of Jesus lay in his tomb. The Paschal candle is lit from within a darkened church to symbolize Jesus’ light entering the world.

Parishioners gathered together in waiting for the resurrection, holding Easter vigil at night and welcoming new members into the church (37 pictures).

Easter Sunday – April 17

Easter Sunday celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ and his victory over sin and death.

Parishes celebrated the resurrection of Jesus with flower-filled churches and joyous Masses (33 pictures).

Pictures of Holy Week are courtesy of the parishes of the Archdiocese of Newark. Any professional photography displayed is the property of the attributed parish.

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