Building a faithful future: A conversation with Jaclyn Pilat, Assistant Superintendent for Elementary Schools and Operational Vitality

New leadership joins Office of Schools: A conversation with Jaclyn Pilat

Jaclyn Pilat, the newly appointed Assistant Superintendent for Elementary Schools and Operational Vitality for the Archdiocese of Newark, is enthusiastic about nurturing faith-based academic communities.

Her involvement in Catholic education began while she was a Paramus Catholic High School student and continued with a Bachelor of Science degree from Quinnipiac University. She also holds advanced degrees from Loyola Marymount University and Seton Hall University. She has taught in the Partners in Los Angeles Catholic Education (PLACE) Corp, taken on leadership roles at St. Paul the Apostle School, and served as principal at Good Shepherd Academy. Pilat has gained nationwide experience and is dedicated to Catholic education.

In an interview with Jersey Catholic, Pilat shares insights into Catholic education, the challenges facing Catholic schools today, and her vision for the future of elementary education in the Archdiocese Office of Schools.

Q: Can you share a bit about your background and what drew you to the Assistant Superintendent for Elementary Schools and Operational Vitality role?

A: My journey with Catholic education began when I attended Paramus Catholic High School. I was an active member of the campus ministry there and found a personal relationship with Jesus Christ through the community there.

After graduating high school, I attended Quinnipiac University, earning a Bachelor of Science degree. I continued growing in my faith with the campus ministry at QU and deepened my faith through pilgrimages to Poland, Italy, Mexico, Australia, and local holy sites in the U.S.  

Serving as a principal was a lifelong aspiration for me, and I am eager to collaborate with our dedicated team of principals. With a career dedicated to Catholic education, I’ve witnessed its transformative power. I am fervently committed to fostering vibrant, faith-based academic communities that prepare students for the future, ensuring that our schools are places where families can invest their time, talents, and treasures with confidence that their children are receiving a formation rich in faith and knowledge.

Q: How has your previous experience prepared you for this position, particularly in the areas of elementary education and operational vitality?

My tenure at three distinct Catholic schools across the country, each with its unique community dynamics, has enriched my perspective on Catholic education.

As a principal, I leveraged my early career experiences to spearhead significant achievements, notably increasing student enrollment by over 50% within five years—from 239 to 360 students—reversing a previous downward trend. I enhanced the spiritual life of the school by instituting weekly Mass attendance during the school day and fostering opportunities for sacraments and prayer. Additionally, I championed creating a maker space, introducing robotics for all grade levels, and infusing 21st-century skills into the curriculum, all while preserving the cherished traditions that define Catholic education.

I am eager to apply this wealth of experience in my new role, where I will collaborate with principals to foster their schools’ success.

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Q: What are the most pressing challenges currently facing elementary education within the Archdiocese of Newark, and how do you plan to address them?

A: The escalating cost of living, in addition to a nationwide teacher shortage, has rendered the hiring and sustaining of qualified educators in our Catholic schools increasingly arduous.

In order to tackle this issue, I am eager to engage with various stakeholders. A key initiative is the proposed collaboration with local Catholic universities to establish a dedicated training program for educators within our Catholic schools. Additionally, I aim to explore innovative tuition models and alternative revenue streams to ensure that teachers’ salaries are competitive while still making Catholic education accessible and sustainable for families of diverse economic backgrounds.

Q: How do you plan to enhance the operational vitality of schools in the Archdiocese? Are there specific initiatives or changes you are considering?

A: To bolster the operational vitality of the schools within the Archdiocese of Newark, my priorities are to fortify teacher retention and invigorate recruitment strategies to ensure a stable and dynamic educational environment.

I will also actively enrich the faith experience of our families by fostering a vibrant community life within our schools. Lastly, it is imperative to integrate advanced 21st-century skills into our curriculum, equipping our students with the necessary competencies for the evolving demands of future careers.

Q: How do you plan to integrate your Catholic values and teachings into the operations of the elementary schools?

A: The primary mission of our schools is to nurture students in the Catholic faith, which we hold as our most sacred responsibility. In addition to imparting academic knowledge, we guide students toward a life filled with joy and wellness rooted in the virtues of our faith.

The communal verification of faith, exemplified by the lives of St. Pope John Paul II and Father Luigi Giussani, has enriched my personal journey. Their examples of prayer, sacrifice, and engaging in meaningful dialogue have deepened my understanding and practice of the faith. I am committed to fostering such enriching relationships with our schools’ principals, aiming to collectively deepen our faith.

Q: How do you intend to foster collaboration and communication between the Office of Schools and individual schools to ensure mutual support and growth?

A: Our mission in the Schools Office is to serve as a catalyst and resource by providing vision, direction, and service. Fostering relationships grounded in mutual respect and collaborative openness is essential for the advancement of our ministry within Catholic education. By engaging with schools, acknowledging each principal’s unique goals and visions for their school site, and attentively addressing their needs, we strive to facilitate a reciprocal environment of support and development.

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