Parishioners help thousands during mission trips to Honduras, Philippines
Parishioners from Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church in Tenafly and St. Anastasia Church in Teaneck, both part of the Archdiocese of Newark, recently made a difference for thousands of people by providing health care and essential supplies to severely impoverished communities in Honduras and the Philippines. By doing so, the medical mission teams gained new perspectives on their lives and how they can use their gifts to help others.
Led by Dr. Elizabeth Baker, Our Lady of Mount Carmel’s mission team endured days of unusually cold and wet weather to treat over 1,000 people in the Honduran villages of El Porvenir, Azacualpa, La Puerta, and Yamaranguila. Many of the villagers they served — mostly women and children — walked up to three hours across mountainous terrain just to see the team, which was aided by local student translators. By the time the trip was over, the volunteers had used up all 23 boxes of supplies they had brought with them.
“Throughout the week, we came to understand how vital medical services that we take for granted in our community are not available in the communities we served,” said Dr. Baker, who pointed out that local doctors only visit the villages once per month. And because the nearest hospital is a four- to five-hour walk away, many medical conditions often go untreated. “As the days passed, we felt more and more grateful for what we have and more committed to serve those less fortunate.”
Meanwhile, Father Joseph D’Amico and his team from St. Anastasia’s had a life-changing experience helping more than 2,000 people in the Philippines. First, the group distributed medications, eyeglasses, toiletries, and other needed items to residents of Manila’s Tondo district. Later, the volunteers visited Happyland, one of the city’s poorest areas where about 300 families lost their homes to a fire. There they provided rice and building supply vouchers to people in need. They also encouraged the children of Happyland — an area rife with drugs, prostitution, and child trafficking — to dream of a life beyond the region.
“It was a very powerful and emotional day,” Father D’Amico said of his team’s visit to Happyland.

The Philippines

Featured image: Dr. Joanne Hojsak helps a boy in Yamaranguila, Honduras, during Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church’s medical mission trip. (Photo courtesy of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church)