Lenten reflection: Believing means to ‘be-living’ as Jesus did

March 14, 2021
Fourth Sunday of Lent
2 Chronicles 36:14-16, 19-23  +  Ephesians 2:4-10  +  John 3:14-21

Many scripture scholars, theologians and preachers of various Christian traditions often say that John 3:16 is the most important passage in the bible.  Why, because God shows us unconditional love by giving us the remarkable gift of his Son who is savior and also teacher, who shows us how to live and love and care for all.

When we really know Jesus, we can only live in the light.  We cannot go back to darkness.  Oh yes, at times (maybe many times) we will make mistakes, hurt people, not live up to all we can be.  But deep in our hearts, we know that we have to make amends, ask forgiveness, and go toward the LIGHT who is Christ.  As my friend, Fr. Tom Iwanowski said in a recent reflection, “Believing means to “be-living” as Jesus did.”

Let us thank God for the LIGHT!


  • Describe a time when you experienced God’s unconditional love. What changed in you?
  • In what ways does your parish community help you and your family understand the love of God?
  • Take some time this week to reflect on the mercy and unconditional love of God showered on you. Feel the joy and be grateful!  Think also about a person whom you need to forgive (or who needs to forgive you) and pray about how to reach out to that person.

Sr. Donna L. Ciangio, O.P., is chancellor of the Archdiocese of Newark. 

This reflection originally appeared on the Dominican Sisters of Caldwell website, and was reprinted here with permission. 

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