Final Mass of Thanksgiving Held at St. Andrew’s Church in Bayonne

The parish community of Blessed Miriam Teresa Demjanovich (BMT) gathered for a poignant final Mass of Thanksgiving at St. Andrew the Apostle Church in Bayonne on Sunday, September 22, 2024, at 3:00 P.M. The Mass was presided over by Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin, C.Ss.R., Archbishop of Newark, who served as the principal celebrant and homilist. Concelebrating alongside him were Bishop Gregory J. Studerus, Regional Bishop for Hudson County, and Father Philip Sanders, pastor of BMT. Twelve additional priests from the Archdiocese of Newark, some of whom had served or currently serve the BMT parish, joined in the celebration. Several religious sisters who had faithfully ministered to the St. Andrew’s community were also present.

The final Mass drew over 500 people, filling all the pews. Many attendees stood along the aisles, while others gathered in the narthex or entrance of the church.

READ: Bayonne’s St. Andrew’s Church to close; parish prepares for transition

In his homily, Cardinal Tobin spoke about the significance of giving thanks to God in all circumstances, whether joyful or difficult. He emphasized that gratitude is essential even during moments of hardship and uncertainty. “As believers, we thank God in times of joy, triumph, and success. We also give thanks to Him in times of sorrow, distress, and heartbreak… in times of confusion or uncertainty. Our acts of thanksgiving are not limited only to the good times or when we get what we want… We thank God, even when, and especially when, things are tough and confusing,” Cardinal Tobin said. He encouraged the congregation to find comfort in their faith, adding, “Today, when we leave this church, Jesus Christ will go before us. Jesus Christ will welcome us. And He asks us to comfort each other with the assurances of our faith.”

At the conclusion of the Mass, Cardinal Tobin led a final prayer and blessing before beginning a Eucharistic procession. The Blessed Sacrament was carried in solemn procession from St. Andrew’s to St. Mary, Star of the Sea Church, located approximately ten blocks away. Additionally, a large statue of St. Andrew the Apostle was carried and transferred. Parishioners followed in reverence, marking the symbolic transition from one church to another. Upon arrival at St. Mary’s, a reception was held to welcome the parish community.

Worship services for the Blessed Miriam Teresa Demjanovich parish will continue at St. Mary’s Church located at 326 Avenue C in Bayonne. For more information, visit

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