Faithful urged to take action against abortion access expansion bill

Legislation was introduced on Monday that would require Medicaid and all health insurance carriers, including State Health Benefits and School Employees’ Health Benefits, to provide coverage for pregnancy termination without co-pay. In response, the New Jersey Catholic Conference, the public policy arm of New Jersey’s five Catholic Dioceses, is now urging the faithful to reach out to their legislators to voice their concerns with bill S3452. 

The legislation, if it becomes law, would expand abortion access in New Jersey, according to the New Jersey Catholic Conference. The conference issued an alert on Wednesday calling on area Catholics to write to their legislator in opposition of the bill. 

“The Catholic Church believes that abortion is not healthcare because it is a direct attack on the dignity and sacredness of human life,” the alert states. 

Additionally, the bill prohibits medical malpractice insurers from taking adverse actions, such as loss of coverage or rate increases, against providers who offer reproductive or gender-affirming healthcare services to patients, even if those services are illegal in the patient’s state of residence. 

“As Catholics and people of good will, we must take action to stop the threatening expansion of abortion access in New Jersey,” the alert reads. 

Senate Majority Leader Teresa Ruiz and Senate President Nick Scutari announced the new legislation, bill S3452, on June 17. The sponsors have indicated their intention to “fast track” the legislation before the end of June and the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee will vote on the bill on Monday, June 24.

According to the New Jersey Catholic Conference, if signed into law, S3452 would:  

  • Enshrine into state law the NJ Dept. of Banking and Insurance regulations that eliminate all out-of-pocket costs for abortions by mandating all state-regulated health plans cover 100% of the procedure. Not only could this increase consumers’ health insurance premiums, but it will allocate an undetermined amount of public funding to pay for abortions for patients who have Medicaid. 
  • Enshrine into state law the Board of Medical Examiner’s regulations granting non-physicians’ permission to perform abortions; and 
  • Prohibits malpractice insurance providers from penalizing medical professionals for providing abortions or gender-affirming care on the basis the procedures are illegal in other states. 

“The supporters call this legislation a monumental stride forward to protect and expand healthcare rights in New Jersey and necessary because abortion rights are under attack. Sadly, both claims couldn’t be further from the truth,” according to an alert issued by the New Jersey Catholic Conference. “For centuries, the Catholic church has not only been an advocate for quality, affordable, and life-affirming healthcare, we have been a leading provider, especially to the poor and marginalized. Based on our experience, we can say with full confidence, abortion is not healthcare because it is a direct attack on the dignity and sacredness of human life.” 

If your state senator serves on the Senate Commerce Committee that will determine if S3452 will advance in the Legislature, the conference is urging the faithful to contact him or her asking them to vote “no” on the bill.  

If your state senator is not on the committee, the conference is urging area Catholics to contact them asking that they urge their colleagues on the committee to vote “no” on the bill.  

The faithful can also click here to voice their opposition to the bill. 

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