The Mercy House gives away 500+ free backpacks, school supplies to children in need (Video/ photos)
Free cups of Italian ice were also handed out.
Free cups of Italian ice were also handed out.
A Bible museum, Bible studies for preschoolers, Scripture-based faith sharing for men, a Bible knowledge competition, and a catechist book club featuring Lectio Divina are some initiatives.
Filipino priests from New Jersey and beyond came together for Mass and friendly competition on Aug. 6 to mark the feast day of St. John Vianney.
The rally was one of the largest religious demonstrations ever staged in North Jersey.
Father Edwin Leahy has served as headmaster of St. Benedict’s Prep for 51 years.
Holy days of obligation are important days in the Catholic Church that honor special events or special people.
They traveled to the Diocese of Yakima in Washington State to learn about ministries serving the poor there.
God knows each and every person’s heart, Lewis-Mosley said, and answers prayers in His own wise time.
On Aug. 15, Catholics around the world mark the solemnity of the Assumption of Mary, commemorating the end of her earthly life and assumption into heaven. The day is a … Learn More
The bilingual picture book encourages kids to protect the earth.