Spiritual leader Msgr. Gerard McCarren named Rector, Dean of Immaculate Conception Seminary School at Seton Hall
‘He will guide the men to follow Christ our Redeemer in ordained ministry’: Cardinal Tobin
‘He will guide the men to follow Christ our Redeemer in ordained ministry’: Cardinal Tobin
Local clergy from a variety of backgrounds discuss Pope Francis’ impact on how they shepherd their church and religious communities.
The oldest priest in the Archdiocese of Newark has impacted thousands.
Bishop Elias Lorenzo appointed the men to the Ministry of Lector on Feb. 12.
Those in consecrated life are called to reflect the light of Jesus Christ to all peoples.
They were appointed to the Ministry of Lector.
Cardinal Joseph Tobin, C.Ss.R., of the Archdiocese of Newark welcomed Immaculate Conception Seminary at Seton Hall University seminarians to the Rite of Admission for Candidacy for Holy Orders at St. … Learn More
We remember and pray for our dearly departed clergy and men and women religious whose Masses of Christian Burial were held in December: Sister Marie Irma Kessler, SC A Mass … Learn More
She spent 45 years with Investor Advocates for Social Justice.
Catechists meet in person after three years of virtual contact.