Caldwell, Saint Peter’s, Felician hold commencements for Class of 2023
Saint Peter’s, Felician, Caldwell universities held their commencement ceremonies in May.
Caldwell University
Caldwell University celebrated the achievements of the Class of 2023 at the 81st annual commencement on May 21.
Board of Trustee members, Sisters of Saint Dominic, faculty, staff, family, friends, and community members gathered in the George R. Newman Center on campus to recognize the nearly 440 students receiving bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degrees.
President Matthew Whelan, Ed.D. congratulated the students and the family members and friends who guided them. He encouraged the graduates to seek personal and vocational fulfillment. “Do not be defined by what you do. Instead, be defined by who you are. Don’t just have a job. Have a vocation, a craft, a calling.”
He advised the graduates to “set personal and professional goals that will make you and your families and your friends proud of your life’s contributions because your contributions will improve the lives of other people.” Dr. Whelan said it was now clear “that the pandemic did not stop any of you from persisting in the pursuit of earning your Caldwell diploma. And now I can say with confidence that you are stronger and more resilient for having experienced this historic challenge.” Life, he said, “is a gift, a precious gift, a sacred gift, and to lead a meaningful life, you should share that gift and your blessings with people who need you.”
The University presented an honorary degree to Emmy Award-winning host and meteorologistJohn Elliott of CBS2 New York. Sister Donna Ciangio, O.P., D.Min., chancellor of the Archdiocese of Newark and vice-chair of the University Board of Trustees, read the citation.
In congratulating the graduates, Elliott shared with them lessons he learned outside the classroom to help them in their lives beyond the campus. “Don’t beat up on yourself if you don’t know what you want to do right now. Pray every day; keep moving in the direction of your dreams … Pivots can be painful, but strive to make them productive. Embrace them and remember them. They can make you very interesting at parties … Don’t let people put you into boxes … Keep an open mind … and never stop learning.”
“When you’re born you look like your parents; when you die you look like your habits … habits will form you, so I want to encourage you to keep and help refine the habits that helped you succeed,” said Elliott. “Walt Disney said, ‘Always be in a state of becoming.’ I say, ‘Always be in a state of becoming better,” said Elliott. “Your destiny is waiting. We need you, so do us a favor, get there, and matter.”
Graduating senior Raul Gonzalez delivered the undergraduate speech, reflecting on how it has become “second nature” for Caldwell students to care about giving back while uplifting one another along the way. “From volunteering at Caldwell Day of Service, rubbing elbows while packing meals, to taking pride in our school’s history on Founder’s Day and learning about the ministry that shaped the lives of so many here at Caldwell, we the students value civic and service leadership.” Caldwell “is a melting pot of various kinds of students who unquestionably will be the leaders of tomorrow,” said Gonzalez, who received a Bachelor of Arts degree in biology and was the Student Government Association president.

Saint Peter’s University
Saint Peter’s University held its commencement ceremony at the PNC Bank Arts Center in Holmdel on Friday, May 19. Michelle Miller, national correspondent for CBS News and current co-host on CBS Saturday Morning, addressed the Class of 2023 at the University’s 132nd commencement exercises. Miller received an honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters, honoris causa. In addition, the University bestowed an honorary degree upon Richard J. Ensor, Esq. ’75, Commissioner of the Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference (MAAC).
Miller’s reporting has earned her several prestigious journalism awards including an Emmy for her series of reports on the National Guard’s Youth Challenge Academy, a Gracie Award for 48 Hours and a Murrow Award for her coverage of a daycare center stand-off in New Orleans.
Honorary degree recipient Richard J. Ensor, Esq. ’75 was named the Commissioner of the Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference (MAAC) in August 1988. During his tenure, the MAAC has secured a stable membership base, expanded the number of championships conducted and developed an extensive marketing program cemented with broadcast agreements with ESPN.
“Michelle Miller’s determination, work ethic and commitment to community are what we see in our Saint Peter’s students each and every day, making her the perfect fit to address the Class of 2023,” said Eugene J. Cornacchia, Ph.D., president of Saint Peter’s University. “I am certain she will inspire and motivate the next generation of leaders as they go forth to pursue their passions and make a positive impact on the world.”
Saint Peter’s graduated 889 students – 452 undergrad, 405 graduate, and 32 doctoral – on May 19.

Felician University
Felician University held its 59th commencement ceremony on Thursday, May 25, at American Dream in East Rutherford.
James “Jim” Kirkos, President & CEO of Meadowlands Regional Chamber, was the Honorary Degree Recipient and Keynote Speaker.