This community calendar is for parish, school, archdiocesan, or ministry events within the four counties of the Archdiocese of Newark. Submissions are reviewed before publication. Please note that this calendar is not for fundraising events. Out-of-area submissions also will be declined.
BELOVED – a one-day Catholic family life conference
March 1
BELOVED is a one-day Catholic family life conference designed to help people raise their families Catholic. The day connects with families who share the same hopes and struggles!
Questions asked and addressed are,
-How can we find authentic love and relationships?
-How can we know joy and peace in our marriage?
-How can we live a genuinely Catholic family life amid the messiness of life and hostility of the culture?
-What is my role as a Catholic grandparent?
-How can we lead a family member who has fallen away from the Catholic Faith back home?
The day includes inspiring and thought-provoking keynote talks by Mike and Alicia Hernon from the Messy Family Project, Dr. Ray Guarendi from EWTN, Dr. Jonathan Sanford President of the University of Dallas, Father Glenn Sudano,CFR, and Dr. David Hajduk Author and Speaker, along with great food (breakfast and Lunch), powerful music by AOH MUSIC, and Displays and Exhibits by leading Catholic vendors and suppliers.
“I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine” (Song of Songs 6:3)
Purchase tickets at: