Eagle Scout, Gold Award projects help kindergartners, honor veterans
Two Catholic high school students, Jola Strayhorn and Christian Choi, have achieved the highest awards in Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts, respectively: The Girl Scout Gold Award and the Eagle Scout Award.
Jola Strayhorn, a senior at Union Catholic High School in Scotch Plains, earned the Girl Scout Gold Award. Christian Choi, a junior at Bergen Catholic High School in Oradell, achieved the rank of Eagle Scout. Their projects, both inspired by their faith, reflect their commitment to community service and their Catholic education.
A Gold Award project brings smiles

Strayhorn, a Girl Scout since she was five, created a mental health initiative for kindergartners adversely affected by the COVID-19 lockdowns.
Strayhorn’s Gold Award project, “Level Up Lil’ Peeps,” involved creating a video that promotes social emotional coping strategies for children. She worked with kindergartners at Holy Savior Academy in South Plainfield to conduct research for her project.
“The inappropriate behaviors I saw among kindergartners after the isolation of COVID-19 prompted my focus,” Strayhorn said. “I realized they needed guidance to navigate their emotions and interactions.”
Strayhorn relied on her faith to stay motivated while planning her project. Despite facing challenges in finding participants and managing the technical aspects of filming and editing, she persevered to fulfill her goals.
“My prayer life and keeping God first helped me overcome these challenges,” she said. Strayhorn’s project not only fostered better emotional regulation among the children who participated, but also bolstered her faith. “Completing this project has shown me that I can do anything I put my mind to with God’s help. It has increased my confidence in God’s faithfulness.”
Strayhorn said that she believes “faith without works is dead,” citing James 2:26. “As a Christian, I work hard to allow God to guide all my steps.”
An Eagle Scout’s Tribute to Veterans

For his Eagle Scout project, Choi and his troop installed 100 banners honoring veterans in his hometown of Leonia, N.J. His project was inspired by his faith and his interest in joining the military, he said.
“I was inspired when I saw veteran banners in other towns,” Choi said. “I thought it would be a great initiative for Leonia. especially because it hosts the first American Legion [in the state of New Jersey], Post #1.”
His Catholic faith has been a cornerstone throughout his Scouting journey, which began when he was 12.
“One of the Scout’s Laws is that a Scout is always reverent,” Christian said. “I have always relied on my Christian faith in good times and bad.”
Choi said he faced significant hurdles while planning his project, particularly in fundraising for the banners. Through a campaign that included social media outreach and door-to-door visits, he raised a whopping $17,000 to fund his project.
“God provided a way and means through the overwhelming support of the community,” Choi said. “I know now I can strive for great heights and also reach for the stars because I know God has laid a path for me.”
Choi’s project honors the veterans of his community while inspiring others to serve. “I think there is no greater expression of citizenship and duty to our nation than service in the military,” he said. Choi is preparing to attend the West Point Summer Program this month, and plans to apply to West Point.
“My Eagle Project and Boy Scout experiences have reinforced my desire to serve my country,” he said.
Catholic schools encourage faith in action
Only about 6% of Scouts BSA members earn Eagle, according to Scouting America. Girl Scouts reports that 5.4% of members earn the Gold Award.
The National Catholic Committee on Scouting works with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, developing faith exploration activities for scouts.
On June 9, the Archdiocese of Newark Office for Youth and Young Adult Ministry recognized 162 scouts for religious achievements.
In recognizing their achievements, both students expressed deep gratitude for the support they received. Strayhorn thanked her Girl Scout troop leaders, parents, and the Union Catholic community for their support. Strayhorn also reflected that her Catholic education has played a pivotal role in her approach to community service. “Union Catholic High School has allowed me to study God’s word in a nurturing environment,” she said.
Choi acknowledged that he could not have achieved his project without his family, Scout leaders, and the Leonia community. He also said that his Catholic education at Bergen Catholic strengthened his commitment to helping the community. “Bergen Catholic has taught me to look outside myself to serve and help others,” he said.