For 10 years, Pope Francis has challenged us to move beyond our comfort zones
My dear sisters and brothers in Christ,
On March 13, Pope Francis celebrated the 10th anniversary of his election as Bishop of Rome. In the decade that has passed, we have come to know him as a man of humility and a passionate advocate for the poor and marginalized members of God’s family.
There’s something prophetic about Pope Francis. Imagine John the Baptist with a hearty smile preaching God’s “endless mercy.” He doesn’t hesitate to call attention to the ways that we are soft, lazy or self-indulgent, but he does it in ways that give us hope and encouragement.
We are called to be better, the Holy Father says. We are meant to do more—and be more—than simply stay inside where it’s safe and warm. We’re called to “go forth from our own comfort zones” in order to be missionary disciples for Christ (“Evangelii Gaudium,” #20).
We tend to think of missionaries as other people (not us), who have a special calling and unique gifts. We have come to think of missionaries as clergy, consecrated religious or lay people who travel to distant lands and endure many hardships in order to preach the Gospel to those who do not know Jesus Christ.
Pope Francis tells us that this image is not wrong, but it’s incomplete. We are all called to be missionaries, disciples of Jesus Christ who bring His Good News to others—in our homes and workplaces, in our parishes and neighborhoods, and in our personal contributions of time, talent and treasure to the Church’s worldwide mission.
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