Encountering God’s Mercy
As we celebrate the liturgical season of Lent, and prepare for the great joy of Easter, we find ourselves in what Pope Francis calls “a privileged moment to celebrate and experience God’s mercy.”
As we celebrate the liturgical season of Lent, and prepare for the great joy of Easter, we find ourselves in what Pope Francis calls “a privileged moment to celebrate and experience God’s mercy.”
Our Church takes seriously the challenges facing today’s families.
The greatest commandment of Law.
In his encyclical Fratelli Tutti (On Fraternity and Social Friendship) #278, Pope Francis tells us that war is fratricide—brothers and sisters killing one another.
Sunday, December 17 is Gaudete Sunday. It is a day midway through the Advent season when we are called to be especially joyful because the Lord is near.
We pray about it in a special way during Advent.
Porque la gracia de Dios se ha manifestado para la salvación de todos los hombres, y nos enseña que debemos renunciar a la impiedad y a los deseos mundanos, y … Learn More
I have been back in northern New Jersey for more than two weeks now, but I am still processing the experiences of last month’s Synod working sessions.
My dear sisters and brothers in Christ, During my time of service to my religious order, the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (Redemptorists), I had the privilege of traveling … Learn More
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, On Wednesday, October 4, 2023, the Memorial of Saint Francis of Assisi, our Holy Father Pope Francis published a new Apostolic Exhortation entitled Laudato Deum (Praise … Learn More