Blue Mass to honor hero police officers from throughout NJ
Cardinal Tobin will preside over the liturgy on Thursday, Nov. 7, at 10 a.m. in Newark’s Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart.
Cardinal Tobin will preside over the liturgy on Thursday, Nov. 7, at 10 a.m. in Newark’s Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart.
El sorteo anual de abrigos se realizará en tres ubicaciones del norte de Jersey.
The annual coat giveaway will serve three North Jersey locations.
Cardinal Tobin will lead the Archdiocese of Newark’s annual Hispanic Heritage Mass on Sept. 20.
El Cardenal Tobin presidirá la liturgia que celebra la cultura y la fe hispana Unos 1,000 católicos hispanohablantes celebrarán su cultura y su fe durante la Misa Anual de la … Learn More
Free cups of Italian ice were also handed out.
Back-to-school giveaway and Italian ice social will be celebrated at three locations
So far, he has visited 104 cathedrals and 59 basilicas across 37 states.
The Archdiocese of Newark’s annual Golden Anniversary Mass was celebrated held on Sunday, June 2.
About 450 mothers took home bags filled with costume jewelry, beauty products, and other Mother’s Day gifts.