This community calendar is for parish, school, archdiocesan, or ministry events within the four counties of the Archdiocese of Newark. Submissions are reviewed before publication. Please note that this calendar is not for fundraising events. Out-of-area submissions also will be declined.
How to form a social concerns committee
January 28 @ 7:00 pm EST
There will be five sessions on Zoom:
10/23/24 How to Form or Enhance Your Parish Social Concerns Committee. In this webinar we will explore how to begin or improve your parish’s social outreach and ministry.
12/3/24 St. Vincent de Paul Society as a model for Parish Social Concerns and Outreach. In this webinar we will be introduced to the St. Vincent de Paul Society and how it can serve as a model for parish outreach.
1/28/25 Guidelines for Parish Social Concerns Committees. By sharing guidelines for Social Concerns Committees we can reflect on our ministry and see how other parishes have organized their ministry.
2/25/25 Recruitment and Retention for Parish Social Concerns Committee Members. One of the great challenges of this ministry is recruiting and retaining volunteers. In this webinar we see how best to recruit others to grow and continue our outreach.
3/25/25 How to Form an Annual Plan and Evaluation. The development of an annual plan helps to prepare the committee to prioritize and plan for upcoming projects. In this webinar we will see how best this can be done for planning for and evaluating your ministry.
You can register through the link on each webinar or at the website.
Social Concerns – Archdiocese of Newark (
If you have any questions please contact Fr. Timothy Graff